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AN: This took me forever. Man balancing their strange relationship is hard work even in writing. Hehehe I hope you like it! More on the way soon!

Harry clasped his hands together and attempted his best puppy dog eyes.

"Please!" he begged.

Apparently he wasn't very good at the puppy thing because Dee just grimaced and shook her head.

"No way in hell am I going to be the third wheel on your date with Draco Malfoy."

Harry blanched.

"Date? It's not a date! People are coming over! Lots of people!"

"Uh huh," Deirdre said. "Like who?"

"You?" Harry said hopefully.

She shook her head.

Harry sighed.

"Hermione and Ron will come," he said firmly.

She smiled knowingly.

"Ah, a double date."

"It's not a--"

"Harry if that wasn't a botched attempt at asking someone on a out, then I don't know what is."

Harry sighed.

"If other people come, will you too?"

"Get a firm yes from someone and maybe I'll agree," she said.

Harry clapped.


Harry hurried to the back room and pulled off his healers robe, apparating to Ron and Hermione's flat the second it was hanging on its hook.

Hermione yelped at his sudden appearance right in front of her.

"Oh Harry," she said, clasping a hand to her heart. "You scared the living daylights out of me."

She continued on past him to the kitchen with a bag of groceries in arm.

Harry followed her but before he could say anything she took a good look at him with her sharp brown eyes and frowned.

"What is it?"

"Will you and Ron come over for dinner tomorrow?" Harry asked earnestly.

Hermione frowned at him.

"What's the occasion?"

"No occasion," Harry said. "Just dinner."

Hermione put down her bags slowly and gave Harry a look like she was seeing straight through him but just as she opened her mouth for a probing question, Ron walked in.


He clapped him on the shoulder.

"How's it going?"

"Good, good," Harry said, grateful for the distraction. "Wanna come by tomorrow?"


He groaned.

"Yes but mum will hex us if we cancel again. Hermione already did twice on her."

She gave Ron a look, brows drawing together.

"Well maybe you should remember to tell me these plans before I make important meetings for work."

"I told you!"

"You did not!"

"Alright," Harry said, backing away. "I can see you're pretty busy so I'll just--"

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