I chuckle. "Sam, I'm not going anywhere. My parents don't exactly have the greatest marriage either, they try to ignore their problems, at least yours are seeking help," I point out. "Up until recently, neither of my parents were even around."

    He nods along. "I never thought of it like that."

    "Can I ask a personal question, Sam?" He gives me the okay to continue. "Was there something that triggered his drinking?"

    Sam clears his throat, averting his eyes, but I follow his gaze. "I uh...I don't really want to get into that tonight. I should take you home."

    I watch as he shifts away from me and backs out of the driveway. I feel like I may have pushed this too far. As much as I want to know what haunts Sam, I don't want to force it. 

    The ride to my house is painfully silent. I want to say something, but I don't know what can make this better. Fuck it.

    "We're okay, right?" I check, letting my hand hang loosely on the handle of the jeep.

    Sam nods, getting out. He walks over to my side and I open the door, letting him pull it wider. I turn in the seat to face him, letting my feet dangle out of the open door. He steps closer and pushes my hair off my shoulder, he slides his fingers along my collar bone.

    "Sorry, I got stuck in my head for a minute," he states.

    "No worries,"  I reassure him.

    "I don't think tonight went as planned for either of us."

    I giggle. "Not exactly, but I've come to the conclusion that I just like spending time with you, whether funnel cakes are involved or not," I joke.

    Sam grins. "Well, I had something else planned just for us, but I'll just have to take you out on another date."

    "Wow, my calendar is just filling up," I grin. "Tomorrow we should hit the field, I know that college scouts are usually invited to attend a lot of the games toward the end of the season. You guys have like what, six left?" I stand up, my feet touching the ground, leaving Sam and I inches apart.

    He nods, reaching out and sliding his hand into my hair. "Ten or eleven? I can bring breakfast."

    I like how he assumes I'm going to sleep in. "Probably eleven, if I'm honest," I smile, meeting him halfway for a kiss.

    Sam pulls back glancing down at me, like he just realized something. "You didn't wear blue," he looks down at what I'm wearing.

    I laugh. "You just now noticed?" I slide the strap of my dress over, giving him a little peak of my lacy, royal blue colored bra. Clearly I was anticipating a different outcome for tonight.

    His other hand finds my waist, holding me close. "You're killing me," Sam responds against my lips, kissing me again.

    I pull back, unable to stop my smiling. "So I'll see you at eleven?"

    He nods, kissing my forehead. "Sweet dreams and all that good shit."

    I laugh. "You too, text me or something and let me know you got home okay," I give him a quick peck on the lips and start walking to the front door and he waits until I'm in the house before he backs out of my driveway.

    I sneak up the stairs and as I walk past my parents room, I hear crying and sniffling carrying through the hallway. What could my mother be crying about at one in the morning.

I peak around the half-open door and see her curled up in bed. "Mom, are you okay?"

    She stops, popping up a little, wiping her eyes. The light from the TV allows me to see the wetness trailing down her cheeks. I spot two empty wine bottle on her bedside table, no doubt she's sloshed by now.

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