Already Blooming: Chapter 1

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          The warmth of my blood hugs my face with no regret.  I strain to open my eyes.  Finally a light creeps in; well, a flashlight.  I guess I'm getting my eyes checked.  I suddenly realize that I am lying on a stretcher.  I start to remember what happened.  I cringe at the thought.  Why did I slap him?  I close my eyes again for a short rest before I get up.
          "We can take her off your hands.  You can charge her with assault if you think necessary." A police officer states.
          "I don't think it necessary at all!  She has been through quite a large amount of trauma.  Abuse, depression, and anxiety.  The foster system can be tough; trust me, I've taken many traumatized kids to new homes.  I honestly don't blame her, it's that darn messed up foster system.  It racks my brain how easily they set all these problems aside.  It's almost as if they see these kids as objects to be given away." He says, almost sounding like he actually cares.
          I wake from my short nap, and look over to where the car is placed by a tow truck on the side of the road.  There isn't even one dent in the car, or one scratch on the social worker.  The social worker noticed that I had woken up from my short nap, and he puts his hand out to help me get up. 
          "I can get up on my own." I say so quietly that I'm almost mumbling.
          I grit my teeth as I attempt to get up on my own.  Pain pierces through my veins, my heartbeat pounds as if it takes this much energy to get up. 
          Once I'm up, I find it a little easier to walk to the car.  I open the car door and plop onto the black leather cushion of a seat.  The sun creeps out from behind a cloud and suddenly blinds me. 
          "Argh!" I mumble under my breath.
          As the social worker drops into his seat, he sighs and starts the car.  As we pull off the side of the road, he turns on the radio.  The music bursts out of the radio.  I suddenly get a flashback. 
My dad turns the radio up super loud. I giggle and ask him to turn it down. 
          "It's more fun to listen to music when it's loud honeybunches! When your mother was in the hospital we used to play lots of songs.  Would you like to hear one?" He yells over the loud music.
          "YES!!!"  I replied with determination.
          "I will always love you honey.  Would you like to dance?
          "Yeah!."  I said enthusiastically.
          We danced for so long. I remember the day so perfectly.  It felt like it could never get better than this.  I had never been filled with so much love, and so inspired by how happy my dad made me feel.  My heart was a void, only to be filled with song and love. 
          My flashback was suddenly interrupted my the social worker.
          "Sorry...heh...must have left it on max volume." He remarks in a slightly humorous tone.
          "It's alright.  My dad used to do that all the time." I say with a sigh.
          He must have thought that my reply was an invitation to talk non-stop, because after I had said something, that's all he did.
          "Sorry I forgot to tell you my name kid, the name's Mike Richardson; yours?
          "Mack Bailey."
          "Is that short for something?"
          "Well that's a very nice name."
          "Thanks." I mumble in a slightly annoyed tone.
          " should probably mention that even though you've had lots of trauma, that doesn't make it appropriate to slap me."  He states awkwardly.
          "I know.  But you should know I'm not just some trauma kid!" I snap back.
          "I know.  All I have left to say, is that you should never let your fears hold you back from success.  Anyway, we're here."
          I stare at the house in front of me.  So I guess this is where I'll be living.  I was almost a little shocked at what I had in front of me.  From the way Mr.Richardson had explained it; I had thought it would be much different that this.

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