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Draco, pleased with how his break-up with Crabbe and Goyle went, decided it was time to break the news to his father. It was almost Christmas time, so Draco had to make sure his "Precious Little Delight" would be comfortable in his father's house. His true love deserved nothing but the best. Sitting down and whipping out a fresh piece of parchment, Draco began to write.

"Dear Father,

I am writing to inform you of an important change in our holiday plans. My new lover, Apple, will be staying with us. Everything must be perfect for my snookum's arrival."

Here he looked over at Apple and seemed to detect worry where no emotions lie. He picked Apple up and began to stroke it lovingly, making hushing noises occasionally before saying "Worry not, my love. We will serve you like the true princess you are." He continued to spell out instructions for his father:

"The following instructions should be carried through to the letter:

1.    No apples shall be seen or eaten

2.    My darling shall drink only the finest sparkling water. Bring the kind from the caves of Zimbabwe we had at Easter.

3.    Let Dobby be assigned to cater to her every need

4.    Apple is of the Root family, have clothes with the family crest embroidered for my love

5.    A bedroom for my darling shall be made up

Only the finest will do.


Draco signed his orders with a flourish before sending his owl off for the Manor. However, he still wasn't done with his paperwork. "Aaapple..." Draco hummed. "I've got a surprise for you!" He scooped the green fruit and carried it to the window. "Here is a sonnet I wrote in your honor." He took out a scrap of paper and began to recite,

"My crowning jewel, you shine, you gleam,

My dear songbird, you sing, you soar,

I am your prince, I shall save thee,

From spite, from hate, from threats galore,

My love for you could light the sky,

Your love for me could save my life,

My muse, your leave would make me cry,

Darkness would pierce me like a knife,

And the rivers would cease their flow,

The winds would shriek, the Earth would shake,

You would arise, I'd sink below,

I'd drown in tears, I'd scream and quake,

For loving you means we can't part,

Or chaos descends upon my heart."

"See my love?" Draco noted after he finished. "It's even in iambic pentameter!" The Apple gave no response. He clutched his darling once more as he tromped up the stairs to his room. Taking great care to tuck Apple in once he changed, Draco lit a candle and finished his homework for the day.

However, no matter how hard he tried, Draco could never turn his thoughts from Apple, and wishing he could see in his "crowning jewels" mind. Does Apple really love him back?

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