Youre Not The Boss

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A day later

Alan's POV still

I had just got home from the hospital my dad was drunk great. My siblings were in their rooms I just got here and my mom noticed and sighed. My dad came at me and said "you fucking homo whore" and punched me in the face and I was confused he said "don't fucking look at me like that you fag" I just took it and remember Jackson said he was having someone over... Well I kept getting kicked and punched till I almost blacked and Jackson came and brought me upstairs and a guy was in his room I think or I'm hallucinating. Jackson is crying and hugging me what the hell but oh well. It goes black for about an hour and I see lily and Jackson laying on both of my sides as the door is locked and my dad is screaming an moaning on about what a loser I am. I feel a little better than earlier "do you have ibprofen in here Jackson" I ask? He nods and hands me some and a drink. Once I'm more stable and less dizzy. Where I'm sure I'm not hallucinating. I cough awkwardly and ask "who's the boy" and Jackson turns bright red "it's my boyfriend CC he's moving here" I awed and said "I didn't know you were gay thank god I'm not alone I have a boyfriend to" Jackson looks a me and says who's the boy ;) "it's Austin he asked me yesterday" I looked at him and said "do you guys wanna be in my friend group there are a lot of gay and a few straight couples. CC nods and Jackson shrugs and I say "we could go somewhere to get away from physcho dad" but I felt my pockets " damn I lost my wallet" Jackson smiles and said "I grabbed some of your stuff including your favorite things and money" I hugged him tightly and thanked him "alright I'll go out the window first then Lily to follow then CC and lastly Jackson" they all nodded and I saw Ausins car thank god I missed him. All of us were in the car then my dad walked outside and tried to get me out of the car and Austin got out and punched him hard enough to knock him out. I snuggled into him and we drove to his house to hang all my friends were there as well as his. This will be awesome and we get in there I put my sister to bed in Austin's guest room. "Okay guys this is my brother Jackson and his bf CC" they all greeted them and well hung out" then my face and ribs started bruising and hurting more. So as I was talking I about fell to the floor but Austin was there to catch me. He asked what happened and I told him it wasn't that bad and he gave me his puppy dog eyes and I told him. He was pissed and he ran out to his car I couldn't stop him so I stayed and hung out with my friends and talked to Andy and Vic I didn't know if I could talk to Mike but Tony proved me wrong.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Aug 10, 2017 ⏰

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