“Why'd you choose to confront it yourself?” Louis eyeballed her she could potentially crack at this point if she was hiding something.

“I didn't suspect the noises were gunshots. I assumed the were still celebrating from the party they had the night before.”

He looked over to Liam who was vigorously writing something down on the case paper, then back to Ms. Pletnyova. “When you went to the Boswell’s residence, exactly how was Harry Boswell acting?”

“He answered the door as if he were annoyed to see me. He said ‘what do you want?’  then I told him to keep it down and control his guest. I wasn't aware they had none.”

“How did he respond to that?”

“He said go home and get a new hearing aid because no one was making any noise”

Liam snorted and attempted to cover his mouth.

“What's so funny?” she pushed.

“Nothing ma’am.” He slammed his foot on Liam's and he jerked in pain.

“Sorry” Liam mumbled.

“Okay so after he told you to go home what did you do?”

“Well I left. I didn't want to be on that things yard any longer. The rude pedik”  

“Why didn't you expect anything after that?”

“In my mind there could've been anything going on with those two. I just got over it and went back to my peaceful tan.”

“So you didn't care if the noise meant that they were being threatened?”

“Why should I? They are disgraceful people.”

“Disgraceful, huh.” Louis whispered to himself. She clearly didn't like them which means she could be an unworthy witness. Then again she seemed to be telling the truth.

He whispered to Liam. “Are you getting anything from this?”

He  whispered “Other than these neighbour's didn't like each other, not much. I think we should let her go now.”

“Yeah, same.” Louis stood up from his chair with the file in hand. “Okay ma’am you're free to go. Just check out with the lady at the front and you're good.”

“Perfect, goodbye.” she stood up fast and left while another detective was already at the door holding it open.

“Have a nice day, miss!” Liam called out.

Louis rolled his eyes and noticed his fellow detective at the door eyeballing the woman with disgust as she walked away. “Need anything, Lautner?”

“Oh, um, yeah. Mr. Styles is on his way but his lawyer is here and wants to speak with you.”

“Alright, give us a second. We'll be right out.” Detective Lautner left and Louis turned to Liam.

“What?” Liam asked.

“You figured out what you want to ask him?”

“Why me?”

“Well cause I just interviewed Ms. Grouchy Russian lady and you have all the notes.”

“That doesn't mean anything but fine I'll question mister pretty boy. Just try not to stare at him too much and get distracted.” Liam smirked, got up then walked out the room.

Louis huffed and got up as well. “Oh please, Liam. I'm not going to stare at him. He's not even that good looking- not to mention, a widow.”

“Yeah right, that won't phase you.”

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