Lillie's defense against his strength was hopeless. He was being so rough with her. His kiss was hard, painful, no passion in it whatsoever. She knew he was doing this out of frustration and anger but it still doesn't excuse his actions one bit. She was not his to use anymore. No, she left that all behind back in the states including him, so what the hell was he doing here? She can feel his hard rod ever growing against her stomach and knew she needed to do something quick before things spin even more out of control. With a swift bite of his tongue he immediately withdraw groaning in pain. She quickly pushes him off her and created a much needed distance between them within just the few seconds that he was distracted.

Wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, he stares at her with murderous eyes from across the room but made no movements towards her, yet.

"What the hell are you doing here?" she asked him, cautious of his tiniest movements. If looks can kill, she would have been lying dead right now.

"Who the fuck was that?" he yelled at her.

She made no attempts at answering his question. Why the hell does she has to answer to him? Who cares who she kisses and don't. It's her lips, her body. She can do whatever the hell she wants with it. Not that she wanted to kiss Michael. That was a totally surprise to her too, but Nate didn't need to know that. Fuck him, she thought.

"Lillie. Who. The. Fuck. Was. That.?" He annunciated every word, his patience running thin.

"Whoever he is doesn't concern you. I don't know who the hell you think you are barging in here like you own the place but news flash, it's mine so get out!" she pointed a finger to the door.

Lillie knew she must be crazy, challenging him at a time like this. She saw a fire spark in his dark gaze as if what she just said was so amusing. He chuckles lightly and finally begin making his slow intimidating strides towards her.

"Oh sweetheart. Did you forget? The moment we shipped off to that island, you belonged to me."

Lillie scurry away from his advance rounding the huge couch which now separated them.

"What the hell do you want?!" she shouted at him rounding the couch once more as he approaches. She eyes the front door and Nate didn't miss it at all. In one quick motion he hops over the couch and grabs her before she can sprint for the door. Turning her around he tosses her on the couch and pins her down with his body. He captures both wrist into one of his hand pinning it above her head. With his other hand he slowly traces the side of her face.

"Everything that belongs to you belongs to me," he lowly said, "your mind, body," he let his finger roam down her chest stopping right where her heart was erratically beating, "your heart. All of it, belongs to me."

Nate moves his free hand back to her face. Cupping her chin he turns her head to the side and brings his lips right above her ear.

"Don't you ever forget that," he whispers igniting goosebumps all over her body.

Lifting his head back up, he removes his grip on her chin. His eyes roam down to her long pale naked neck.

"Now tell me sweetheart, who was that man that dare touch what is mine?"

Lillie kept her head turn away. She needed to calm her beating heart. She realizes now that Nate's obsession for her was on a whole different level. He claimed everything of hers and she knows that he can and will get whatever he wants. She also knows that deep down, for him, she would surrender everything she have.

"He's nobody," she said staring blankly at the tv hanging on the wall.

"Not the answer that I want to hear," he said. He latches his lips onto her neck and bites down. She tries to pry her hand away but he held on tight.

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