Chapter 2: breakout.

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How long has it been 6? No 7 years in here, 7 years whit out doing what makes feel alive, hm I thought some on yelled, not it couldn't be I'm locket away in the white room and wait is that gunshots I can hear and the sound of... magic? Yes it has to be, even from her I can tell it was a short fight the guards were dead and the door got unlock, a small hope for it being Nick blossomed and it was Nick, Rabbit you need to come we are breaking out take your knifes with you he said, I always have them with me idiot, and you know I HATE being called rabbit, (the guards here at least choose to call me black rabbit) I said in a less than normal tone almost monotone, what is it this time nick? We are breaking out all of us that why you should take your knifes he screamed it with a unknow joy, or at least a joy unknow to me.

When we came to the main hall (or some say great main hall because its quit big), we was meet with the greatest amount of chaos I have ever seen, the 9 others that had immortal blood and the 10 Magius, all of them where throwing guards living and dead around like a toddler throwing forks, I could feel it my whole body shaking of the lust for combat, blood and blades, so through a simple gesture I told the rest to let me unleash 7 years of rage and hate, btw I did go to ballet when I was, what 5? So, I can dance but with 1000 more limbs than any other human, a 1000 steel limbs with cutting edges, hm so let the dance of blades, hate and rage begin,

(Nicks eyes)

I have seen her dance her dance, her ballet, to me who can see the attach magi to the knifes this was more than just a ballet it was her enjoying something for the first time in 7 years she was enjoy letting all her rage go in a ballet of fanning knifes, dramatic movement with her arms and hands as her knifes felt more like hands than legs to her, so arms and hands where the focusing thing of her ballet of death, and she was loving the feeling else it would have been over a minute ago, but she was enjoying her dance of hate, enjoying stabbing, slashing and beheading all those who had kept her in what they called: The White Room, that could drain peoples sanity, well didn't work on her since she was more less insane from the beginning, so they tried but it just pained her head, they choose to torture her with it and now karma has come to them. A bit funny though that she is humming; The wind of change

(back to Usagi)

Aaahhh the rush of dancing, blades stabbing and cutting, it has been too long, I should probably finish it up here even though I am having a good time, all of us what other would call freaks have a life we want back to so, 1000 hurricane blades. all the knifes began to rotate around Usagi and in the end, no one really know what happened but all the guards were dead or more than that there very soul seem to have been cut out of them.

After we had escapee from the jail or whatever we slowed down to a normal speed to fit in to the crowd.

So, what's the plan know? He asked as monotone as myself, I'm going to try and meet up with someone who says she can help with whatever I ask about, even though I don't know her so I will be on guard, and what about you Nick? I think I will take back home to Australia and meet up with my wife and daughter, oh what was it now her name was? Was it not Tina? Yes, that's my daughter and by the way she has started calling you aunt Kuro since she has a hard time saying Usagi, how do you know? Well you may not have gotten any letter since you were in the white room but the rest of us got letters from family and friends and my wife Susan told me through that, well it's kind of hard to get letters when everyone in my family is dead and my only friend is outside the white room and yet still in jail or what they called that, oh sorry for taking that up, he said and his smile fade a bit, don't worry about it Nacky, you know I hate when you call me that and again by the way do you know where this guy or gall is? Yes, it's a gall and she lives in a mansion at a placed called; Raven mountain in Sweden, and just so you know in the whit room you do get mail that's how I know this stuff, well then, I will say this is here we part ways, we were at the train station, why? Well my wife has send me one ticket for the train and another for the plane home, since well the breakout was planned last month and its why she knows I would get this, well damn Nacky, ques this is goodbye? Both yes and no Rabbit it's a goodbye to your life in the white room and a hello to a new life maybe with that Swedish gall, maybe Nick maybe, well Rabbit I won't say goodbye I will thought say farewell till we meet again, till we meet again Nick.

WHITE ROOM, BLACK RABBITNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ