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When Naruto woke up the next morning, he realized that he was alone in his bed. When he realized that he was alone, he did the natural thing. He panicked.

'Was it just a dream? It felt so real.' Naruto thought in despair.

He looked around his messy room. The walls were the same warm coffee color that they had always been. They betrayed no sign of anything happening the previous night. There were ramen cups all over the floor as well as a butt load of clothes on the ground. They also revealed nothing. He started to ruffle through his midnight blue covers, trying to find anything, anything at all that would betray any clue as to whether or not he was becoming desperate and dreaming about Kiba. Just when he was about to give up, a piece of paper fell to the ground. Naruto spent a few minutes looking through the ramen cups trying to find the paper. He found it after three torturous minutes and the read it, reread it, then reread it again.

'Naruto, I hope that I didn't scare you when I wasn't there this morning, but I had to go home. I wanted to tell my sister, Hana, about you. I am hoping that she will be understanding and remain silent about it. I don't want her to tell my mom. I want to see you later on today so meet me at the training grounds at about noon. I love you Naruto and don't you ever forget that.
Always Yours, Kiba.'

Naruto was happy yet worried at the same time because he was going to see Kiba. However, Kiba might not be able to stay with him. Naruto wanted to be with him so badly that it was almost a physical pain.

With a start, Naruto realized that he hadn't thought about Sasuke at all for almost 24 hours. He had loved Sasuke so much and for so long that it was a huge shock. It left him wondering how deeply and how quickly he was falling for Kiba. The realization made Naruto even more nervous and anxious to see him.

He glanced at the clock on his nightstand and groaned. 'It's only 9:00! I never get up this early. I still have three hours to go.' He knew that he wouldn't be able to get back to sleep so he got up and started his day. He went into his kitchen, which was pretty basic. It had a microwave, a stove, a sink, and a dishwasher. He got out a cup of ramen and put it into his microwave. While the ramen was cooking, he decided to start cleaning his apartment for the first time since he had gotten it. His ramen got done before he was even a fraction into it so he decided to take a break and eat.

'Man my house is a mess. How could Kiba and I not have noticed this? This will take me forever to clean!' Naruto thought in horror.

Naruto finished his ramen in less than 5 minutes and started cleaning again. It took him about 2 hours to get everything up off the floor. By the time he was done, he was starting to rush to get ready. The warm water in his shower helped to calm him a little, but not much.

30 minutes later, and he was at the training grounds. He decided that he might as well train a bit before Kiba showed up. He created three shadow clones for a two-on-two fight. The fight had been going on for about 15 minutes when Naruto suddenly perked up. He called a brief rest. He could sense someone was watching. He brought over the clone that he was fighting with so that they could talk strategy. After about a minute, they were fighting again. It was even for about 5 minutes until the clone suddenly popped up behind Naruto. The clone started to help Naruto make a ball of pure chakra in his hands. It took all of 30 seconds for the chakra to completely form and, when it was done, Naruto charged the two stunned clones. He sent the first one flying into the second and they both disappeared in a puff of smoke. The clone on Naruto's side also disappeared.

"Rasengan!" Naruto shouted when it connected with the clone. He finally looked up. He smirked when he saw Kiba staring at him with wide eyes. It gave Naruto some satisfaction that he could so easily surprise him.

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