XVII. Meeting Again

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Devon and Illian were walking side by side on the way home. It was almost midnight. Their dinner date which started at seven o’clock, lasted through a couple of cups of coffee and a walk in the park.  It was already midnight, when they decided to go home.

Illian is sweet, Devon thought catching a glimpse of the guy who is quietly walking beside her. But I only met him yesterday. She smiled at the thought, she is not the person who would normally go out with a guy she just randomly met. But then, with James… Her thought trailed, her brows creased. 

“You did not enjoy the night?” Illian asked her.

She was surprised with the question, “What made you think that I didn’t,” she asked back.

“Well, your forehead creased and you frowned,” Illian demonstrated what she did.

Devon smiled. “I just remembered something.”

Illian nodded, “And that something is?”

Well, I have to come clean, Devon thought. “An ex-boyfriend.”

“Aah,” Illian said and nodded.  He did not say anything. Devon did not bother continue explaining. 

They kept walking until they reached Devon’s apartment door. Devon smiled and faced Illian, “Thank you so much, for a wonderful dinner.”

“It was nothing,” Illian said, smiling back. “I had a great time, too.”

Devon said goodnight and started to get into the house.  Illian was carefully watching her. He cleared his throat and Devon looked back at him.

“Can you go out with me again,” he asked.  It was a great night with Devon, and he wanted more than just one date.  He wanted to know more about her.

Devon looked at Illian, seriously thinking. I gave it a shot, one date. Am I willing to take another step?

Illian interrupted her thoughts, “I’m going to be honest with you. I had a blast. You’re funny and easy to talk to. I don’t know if you feel the same way. But I really wanted to know more about you. I like you.”

Devon was speechless and she does not know what to say. It’s very rare that a man would be that straightforward with her. Well, except James. The thought angered her.  There were already two instances that she kept thinking “except James.”  It’s about time she takes him out of her mind. He is no longer an exception. 

“Well,” Devon started. “I’m pretty busy this week, but maybe I can make some time.”  Devon took Illian’s phone from his hand and started to punch into the keypad.  Illian was looking curiously at her.  “I already saved my cell and home phone number.”  After typing on the keying in her number, she dropped in into Illian’s shirt pocket.

Illian broke into a wide smile and took Devon’s hands. “You have no idea, how happy you made me.”

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