II. Grief

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How Devon managed to reach the hospital was a mystery for her.  She was numb all throughout the taxi ride.  She was fervently praying and calling all the saints to hear her pleas.  The taxi driver noticed how upset she was and offered few kind words to calm her. She tried to control her emotions for the sake of the worried taxi driver.  She tried to smile and say she’s alright, but inside was a riot of emotions.  She’s so worried that she almost forgot to pay the kind taxi driver.

Mr. Pied was already at the hospital when she arrived.  They hugged tightly and tried to hung unto each for support.  Mr. Pied looked as if he cried.  Who wouldn’t when you are standing near the emergency lobby, with wounded bodies passing them by.  They kept on wishing that somehow, James would not look so devastated as the other patients.

Devon was sitting on the lobby chairs, waiting for the doctor who was in charge of James’s care.  She was stricken that she was unable to notice the arrival of her friends.  A hand touched her shoulder and she saw her friends Freya and Yen.  James’s friends Bren and Ryan were behind them. 

She opened her mouth to try to explain what happened, but no voice came out.  She choked and tears started to fall. Freya and Yen hugged their friend dearly, while Bren and Ryan looked on. My James, my James, she kept saying with each word breaking her heart more. 

They heard footsteps and saw Mr. Peid with the attending doctor. The doctor started to explain the condition. 

“James suffered from a severe trauma in the head.  He was thrown forward and hit the windshield very hard.  There’s an internal hemmorage or bleeding in the head, but we were able attend to that.  We already sent him to the recovery room where he will be monitored for a while.  Once his signs are stable, he could be moved to his room.”

Devon found her voice and asked,  “Is he going to be alright?”

The doctor smiled and offered her assurance. “Currently, he is doing fine.  But I suggest that several tests be administered just to make sure that there are no serious brain problems.”

Devon squeezed Freya’s hand on the last word that the doctor said. Brain problems, so it’s not over yet.  Mr. Peid saw Devon’s worried face and he held her hand. 

“He’s gonna be okay,” Mr. Peid assured her.  “He got us to take care of him.”

Devon nodded and thanked Mr. Peid.  He is right, Devon thought. I’ll be there for James,no matter what it takes. She looked at the engangement ring in her finger.  No matter what it takes.  


When James was taken to the room, he was still asleep.  The doctor said that it would take a while before he wakes up.  Devon looked at James’s bandaged head.  His face and arms were covered with shallow scratches. 

Devon asked for a leave from work so she would be able to devote time in taking care of James.  Mr. Peid is more than happy to have her around to take care of his son.  He knows how much Devon loves his son.

It was late in the evening when James started to mumble in his sleep.  Devon squeezed his hand, whispering into his ear, saying that everything’s okay and she’s there.  Early the next day, he woke up and asked for a glass of water.  Devon let him sip from a straw and then he went back to sleep.  That moment pacified Devon’s emotions.  At last, he’s awake.  Even if he keeps on drifting back to sleep, they know he’s going to wake up any time soon. 

It was Saturday and Freya, Yen, Bren and Ryan was there in the hospital. 

“When is he going to wake up, this is the third day,” Ryan said frustratedly.

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