IX. Road Trip

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Still two years ago...

Devon and James were both asleep when the bus suddenly halted.  James woke up and saw then bus conductor and driver getting off the bus. The bus has stopped several times already after it left Manila. It was almost  lunch time, but they were just a few towns away from Tarlac City.

Aside from the fact that a turtle is faster than the bus, the traffic was heavy.  But James was not worried. The bus stopped three times already and it still continued with the trip. Devon was sleeping soundly beside him. They had the greatest conversation earlier.  And decided to get some shut-eye since both of them were unable to get some  good sleep last night.

James noticed the conductor getting back on the bus and loudly announcing.  “We can’t continue anymore. We would be transferring you to the next bus going to Baguio.”

There was a loud buzz among the passengers.  The conductor continued to explain the situation to the passengers.  The dismayed passengers are now angry. James grunted.  Talk about comfortable ride to Bagiuo, well the good thing is that I have company.  

James looked at Devon. She looked great when asleep. Well she looked great even when awake, thought James. She shook Devon awake and told her, “We will be transferring to another bus.”

“For real?” Devon asked.  She wearily stood up and picked her things. They got off the bus.  She saw hoardes of passengers sitting on the side of the road, patiently waiting for the next bus going to Baguio.

It was almost noon and the sun is high and hot. Devon took out her umbrella and pulled James under it. 

The first bus passed, but it was too full and only a few of the passengers were able to get in. Both James and Devon decided to let the older passengers get into the second bus.  

James looked at his watch, it was already past one o’ clock, we were supposed to be somewhere near Baguio now, he thought.

Devon saw him looking at his watch, “I think you should call her.”  James looked at Devon, puzzled.   “Your girlfriend!”

James was surprised with what Devon said. They have been on the road the entire morning and they are standing here for almost two hours already and he hasn’t thought of calling Allie. 

He guiltily got his phone and dialled Allie’s number. She answered on the first ring. “Where are you,” Allie greeted.

“I’m still in Tarlac. We will be transferring to another bus,” James explained. 

“What,” Allie said.  “That’s why I wanted you to take the plane instead or use your car to get here.”

James shook his head. “I’m alright. I’ll call you again later.” He got off the phone and looked at Devon. “Satisfied?”

“I didn’t say anything,”  Devon reacted.

“Let’s eat,” James suggested and started to cross the road.

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