Chapter 16

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Jesus' POV


I pulled at the tie Carol insisted on me wearing for another one of her stupid parties swearing at the ridiculous thing. Suddenly being out with the zombies didn't seem so bad. A hand grabbed my ass making me jump a little and blush.

"Stop pulling on it or she will kill both of us," Daryl whispered in my ear before pecking my cheek. 

"Why don't you have to wear a tie but I do? It's not fair. You know I hate dressy," I grumbled while he straightened it for the third time tonight.

"I know but I brought her home chocolate from the last run. Therefore I'm on her good side while you stole said chocolate," He explained smiling at me lovingly. "God I'm one lucky man." I rolled my eyes and kissed him softly smiling into the kiss. I pulled away just enough for our lips to brush together and feel his smile.

"You're such a suck up." I whispered chuckling.

"Daryl! I need you to help me refill the cookies for refreshments," Carol shouted from somewhere among the crowd of people. 

"I don't see ya arguing," He countered pulling away from the intimate moment. My cheeks burned up and I smiled watching him walk off to help Carol entertain.

"I never thought I'd see a party like this again," A familiar voice grumbled behind me. I turned around and saw Darren and some of the guys looking around nervously. I smiled and led them along.

"Get used to it. Carol loves to entertain. Especially when we have new neighbors," I joked pulling him through the string of people I had come to call family. 

"My wife used to throw shit like this all the time before it all happened. She loved inviting neighbors over and just talking all night," He smiled as though lost in a dream of some sort.

"She sounds like an amazing woman," I mused pushing through the crowds and striking up conversation now and then. 

"Do you think we're really going to fit in fine here though? Won't they hate us for following Jason," He worried quietly. My eyes raked the room with a smile spread across my face. Rick stood in the corner laughing with some neighbors holding on to Michonne's waist loosely. Her smile lit up the room as she nodded along to whatever Rick was saying. Father Gabriel bounced baby Judith on his side while she giggled and reached for his face. Carl flew by me with a couple of other kids his age laughing about some dare they had made. Glenn smiled holding a hand over Maggie's ever growing stomach talking over names with Tara. Sasha and Abraham off slid to a less crowded part of the house. So many people from so many backgrounds filled the large house that stood empty before the apocalypse hit. So many people who wouldn't spare the others a glance on the street before now call each other family and would die protecting each other. 

"Don't worry. You'll all be fine. If they can accept a weirdo like me they'll love you. Besides if it weren't for you we wouldn't even be alive," I smiled up at him thankfully. He smiled back at me and waved for his men to go away and enjoy themselves. I pulled Darren along awkwardly introducing him to everyone I knew before passing him off to Rosita to properly help him make friends. Arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me in close to a solid body.

"I'm proud of ya," Daryl whispered kissing my neck softly. I smiled and leaned my neck to give him better access.

"What for?" I questioned.

"Bein strong that night when I couldn't be. Helpin those men," He explained sliding his hand into mine squeezing gently. "Did Carol already see ya?" I smiled as the little memory came racing back. 

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