The Toast

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"We always start with good intentions
But lose ourselves along the way”
Jack sighed for what felt like the five hundredth time in the last hour.

Coming to University of Cincinnati was one of the greatest decisions of his life. He got to start fresh as an exchange student from Ireland and everyone thought he was just some eccentric guy who wore a beanie all the time. Now, shit had really hit the fan. People looked at his hat as if they thought it was hiding some weapon of mass destruction.

This school was great up until the preternatural scare. Jack joined the Pro-Pred group along with some friends, feeling obligated as preternaturals to try and show that they weren't all seeking death and destruction.

Not everyone agreed and they showed it in various ways.

This was the 27th poster he was forced to take down for 'vulgar language and upsetting imagery’. It was the ass crack of the morning and he didn't want to be here but, people just had to be pricks.

“Fuckin’ hate this, man.”

Jack grumbled as he used a flathead screwdriver to begin to pry out the large staples securing the poster.

“You and me both.”

A voice echoed from behind, causing Jack to jump and almost lose his precarious footing on a wobbly stool.

“Jaesus!” Rather than risk an untimely tumble to the ground, Jack abandoned the project at hand and instead hopped to the ground to greet the newcomer, “Ethan, why the hell do you have to do that, man?”

“You know I can't help it”, the blue haired boy gestured vaguely to his ears as if that would clear up all confusion.

“Yeah, yeah wolf boy. I know.” Jack playfully shoved Ethan in the shoulder setting off a series of back and forth shoves that quickly turned into a full scale battle of who could put who in a headlock.

“Hey! Break it up you two!”

The deep intimidating voice would have had anyone else scrambling out of the Student Center but, instead it just had Jack and Ethan running at the source of the voice full tilt.

After proceeding to nearly bowl over the much taller man, they began to bombard him with questions.

“Tyler! I thought you were gone for the whole semester?”

“What are you doin’ here, man?”

Tyler chuckled, “Ethan, over here, emailed me about some kind of protest. So, I'm back for the weekend.”

“Good, the more people the better. We've been having some trouble with the Anti-Pred people on campus.”

Jack scowled, gesturing to the hall behind them that was lined with posters all in various states of being vandalized by students.

Ethan moved to inspect some of the posters already stacked in a pile on the ground, “Damn, I helped design these ones, too. Fucking expensive to print on this paper.”

He tossed the posters back onto the ground and moved to one that hung on the wall, “What did the Dean tell you, Jack?”

Jack made a sound between a snort and a laugh,

“She told me I could suck it.”

Tyler rolled his eyes, grabbing the hammer that Jack had left on the stool and picking up where he left off, “Okay, she did not say that.”

Jack huffed, leaning against the wall looking up at Tyler, “Fine, she didn't say that. But, she may as well have!”

Jack threw his hands up at the lack of response,

“Fuck! A lot has changed here since you decided to take a vacation. Do you even understand the implications?” Jack crossed his arms, scowling. He wasn’t actually angry at Tyler but, aggravated at the situation. He was stressed and it was not doing good for the magic in his veins. It was not doing wonders for any fae.

Ethan was about to step in, he was far across the room utilizing the Student Center’s computers but, his head was slightly angled towards the argument. He was listening to every word.

“Vacation?” Tyler scoffed, “You know damn well that I am taking a break from college to work.”

“Well, how are you going to find a job now, Yogi Bear?” Jack mocked, continuing to push.

Tyler stopped where he had the hammer wedged between staple and wall.

“Don’t call me Yogi Bear.”

“Why not?” Jack pushed off the wall, turning his back to Tyler and raised a hand to his mouth with an exaggerated gasp, “Oh no. You haven't been called worse?”

Jack giggled. Knowing full well that he was being a dick, he continued, “Woe is me!”

He felt frustrated that he was forced into this situation and felt that somehow his friend got away from it all. It made him envious of a life based on assumptions.

A long sigh filled the air, “Jack, I watch the news. I go on the internet. I'm here because I'll lose my job over the mandate. I'll loose my apartment and probably a lot more.” Tyler rubbed a hand over his face.

“You're gonna lose everything, too.” Tyler gestured to Jack and then Ethan with the hammer.

He stepped down from the stool and sat down on the ground, defeated.

Jack and Ethan came to sit on either side of him.

“Look at us. Couple of preds thinkin’ we can change the world.” Ethan laughed half-heartedly.

“Now would be a great time for a toast.” Jack cradled an imaginary bottle in his hand, pretending to raise the glass up.

“A bear, a wolf, and a rabbit- who would've thought?” Tyler thought out loud, raising an imaginary glass to mimic Jack’s, Ethan soon following suit.

“To a safe and successful protest!” Jack shouted to the empty room, followed by the silent clink of invisible glasses in empty hands.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2017 ⏰

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