Chapter 2

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*A/N* Yay chapter 2. i actually got to it. Thats the farthest ive ever gotten on a book. go me. hope you enjoy todays chapter.

Chapter 2: What the beeping beep

(Eren's POV)

*RRIIINNGGG* There goes my alarm. I swipe my finger across the dismiss button and head to the bathroom. Whoever made school early in the morning can go die in a hole I think as I start brushing my teeth. While I'm brushing my teeth I remember the cat I helped last night. After im done I walk out and go to his bed only to find hes not there. I look around my room to see if hes hiding but I dont see him anywhere.

Thats weird I had the door closed last night so he cant have gotten out, I thought as I looked at the door. I see that its open slightly. Could he have gotten out. I walk around the house a little. When I reach the kitchen it's dark so I turn on a light. After I get adjusted to the light I look up to find a man right in front of me drinking a glass of water.

"How the fuck did you get in here?" I ask the man. I look over and realize he has cat ears and a cat tail. Could the cat I helped last night turn into a human. He just keeps staring at me so I ask him another question. "And why are you wearing my shirt?" I noticed he was wearing my favorite shirt with nothing else. He doesnt move and keeps staring.

After a little staring contest he sets his glass on the counter and walks over to me. Out of fear I back up until I'm up against a wall. He stops a few feet in front of me. He looks at me for a moment before finally speaking. "I'm Levi. Thanks for wrapping me up last night. If it would be alright if I borrow a pair of clothes and I'll be on my way."

"How did you get in here?" I ask again.

"Tch youre so dense. I'm the cat you saved last night. I was just to weak to be in my neko form."

Oh that explains his ears and tail. "Yeah come on I'll let you borrow a pair."

I lead him to my bedroom and pull out a pair for him and my outfit for today. I usually wake up an hour before I have to leave so I can kind of relax and not rush around. While Levi's in the bathroom I change in my room. Then go downstairs and put two bagels in the toaster. I figured hed probably be hungry. Levi walks in with my folded shirt and hands it to me. He starts walking away towards the door. But before he gets to the door I speak up.

"Hey wait." He turns around to look at me, "I made a bagel for you if you want it."

He nods slowly and walks back to the kitchen. I put plain cream cheese on both of them, then I place them on the table. He starts to slowly eat his. I'm the first one to speak up.

"So where do you live. I could walk you there on the way to school."

He stares at his food before blantly replying, "I dont have one."

I stare at him shocked. That explains the skinny figure, no clothes, messy hair. "Do you need a place to stay." I'll feel bad if I don't ask. I wont force him to stay but I thought I'd ask.

"I don't want to be a burden."

"You wont be a burden. It'd actually be nice to have someone here. My sister works alot so it's usually just me. I mean if you think I'm a creep and really don't want to stay I won't force you."

He looks at me for a little bit. "Can I come to school with you?" I look at him in confusion He notices my gaze before answering my unspoken question, "I need time to think and I don't want to be alone either. I can shrink into a baby neko and fit in your pocket. I won't bother you I promise I just really wan-"

Before he can talk anymore I scoot over to him and hug him. I've always thought it'd be cool to bring an animal to school. I know he's not an animal but he's kind of like it.

"That would be awesome. Omg when I'm bored I could just talk to you or something."

He flicks my head before saying, "Oi brat. You need to focus on school. If you try talking to me I'll bite your finger."

I instantly let go and stare at him with a playful glare. "Meanie."

I look over at the time and realized we probably should start getting ready to leave. "Come on we have to get ready to go." As I'm putting my shoes on I hear a loud puff. I run back to the kitchen to see a little neko Levi sitting on the ground naked. I start giggling before he covers up with the giant t-shirt.

"Uh d-do you have any tiny clothes?" He asks nevously.

I giggle again before going to my sister closet. She has some old Barbie clothes from when she was little. I get a little outfit out and walk back to the kitchen. I bend down and hand him the little clothes.I close my eyes while picking up the big clothes and putting them in the hamper. I walk back to find a clothed, tiny, Levi.

"Brat. Pick me up and put me in your pocket."

I reach down and pick him up in my hand. I pet his little ears and poke his little belly.

"Oi stop messing with me and just put me in your god damn pocket."

"Okay okay fine. Your just so cute." I swear I saw him blush before I put him in my pocket and heading out the door.

On the way to school I make it look like I'm talking on my phone but in reality me and Levi are just talking and getting to know each other. When I get to school we stop talking and he just curls up in my pocket while I talk to some of my friends before school starts.

We have a little group that been together since 6th grade. There Jean whos a total ass but fun and hes dating Marco which is a sweet little Jesus. There Connie whos dumb as shit and hes dating Sasha who can literally eat 500 foot longs from Subway. Saw it with my own eyes. There Historia who is to sweet to save her own life. But her girlfriend Ymir is always there for her. Literally no one goes near Historia when Ymir around. Armin is my best friend though. Hes smart and a little cinnamon roll. The only bad thing is I'm always saving his ass from bullies.

"What I miss." I ask. Armin looks at me with scared eyes and turns to Ymir. "What happened?"

"So guess in the group was just said they both had sex last night." Everyone turned to look at Jean and Marco. Jean had a big smile on his face and Marco had a slight blush.

"Who bottomed?" I asked. Everyone looked at me in shock. Jeans smile disappeared and that when I knew. "Wait wait wait did you really bottom." I was trying to keep my laughter in, "I would've thought Marco." Everyone was already in laughing fits at how tough Jean bottomed.

"S-Shut up." Jean muttered. Marco hugged him while we were still laughing.

The bell rang and we all headed to our different classes. I headed to my first class which was English. I sat down and stuck my hand inside my pocket to see if Levi was there. Thankfully he was. He felt like he was asleep so I just pet his head while listening to the stupid lecture.

Chapter 2: End (1425 Words. *Holy beeper beep*)

*A/N* yay another chapter. sorry again that the story is really anticlimactic. Im typing this at like midnight every night so my mind isn't working properly. Like i said this week ill prob update every date but after that i probably wont update as much. I have marching bad for two weeks after this week and the school starts tha following monday so im sorry if this doesnt up date. i will try my hardest to update tho. anyway thank you for reading my story. Hope you have/had a wonderful day/night. good morning/day/night... byyyeee

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