"You again? Okay we are on our way." Say the man.

I roll my eyes and hang up.

"They will be here soon." I say, tears streaming down my face.

I have no idea how Tobias isn't screaming in pain.

I know he is a guy, but still.
I would.

"How did this happen?" I ask.

His eyes meet mine.
He groans.

"Wait what?!"
"She opened the door and threw the knife at me." He says.

"I tried to dodge it, but it hit my arm."
"That bitch." I say standing up.

"She really wants to be murdered doesn't she!?" I yell.

"Sit down, please Beatrice." Says Tobias.

I calm down a bit, and do as I'm told.
That's when the door opens again.

It's not the police.

It's Tori.

And you won't believe who else.

He is back...

At this point if you are sensitive or can't handle or to young, please don't continue reading. The next event involves rape. Thank you! I promise I won't throw this out there anymore, carry on!

"Oh so nice to see you again!" Says Marcus loudly.

"how the fuck did you get out?!" I yell, my hands shaking.

Tobias' body tenses.

"Well, a dear friend of mine got me out." He says, smiling at Tori.

"You stay the fuck away from us." I say.

Tobias yells, and I look over at him, and he has pulled the knife out of his arm, and has sat up, holding the knife as a weapon with his uninjured arm.

"Stay the hell away from her." He says.

"I'm...okay Tris." He says, through gritted teeth.
Marcus walks closer to me, and Tobias
throws the knife at him.

He perfectly dodges it, and it hits the wall.

"Now, playing dirty, aren't you son?" He says.

"IM NOT YOUR SON." Yells Tobias.

Tobias stands up, and throws himself at Marcus.

Of course, Marcus had the advantage.

He shoves his hand into Tobias' deep wound, making him yell in pain.

"MARCUS STOP." I yell.
He does.

"And what do we have here." Says Marcus, throwing Tobias on the floor.

Maybe Tomorrow (completed) Where stories live. Discover now