Texting the person right here

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The next day Toby decided to text Jack. He wouldn't mention the murderer thing.
Tobaby; hi. It's been awhile.
Jackie; it has. How are you?
Tobaby; good, I've made a lot of friends.
Jackie; me to. I met this one really cute boy. I think I might be in love.
Tobaby ; me to. I met him via my job.
Jackie: Same! Crazy right?
Tobaby: he reminds me of you.
Jackie: why are there so many things in common.
Tobaby: well I don't know. Can I call you?
Jackie; sure.
Jack was happy to hear from Toby after almost a month. He missed the kid. A moment later Jack was answering his phone.
"I miss you Jackie."
"You too Tobaby."
They continued the conversation but Toby walked outside and talked while he walked around the woods. Jack stayed in his room.
They did that often over the next few days, they would talk for hours. One conversation was odd though.
"You know I thing I'm being to warm towards this guy, I just met him. He just...I... I really like him."
"Hmm... he sounds great."
"I gu-uess... by the way Jack are you st-till having panic atta-acks?"
"Recently it hasn't been that bad. What about your ticks?"
"Same as ev-ver."
Jack and Toby talked on the phone for awhile longer before dinner. They ate in silence and they left just as fast as they got there.
"What's wrong with them." Ben asked after they left.
"Maybe Toby has a crush on the newbie." Jeff answered.
"Looks like the newbie likes him back." LJ added.
"Aww... it could be a sweet love story. May not exactly work well but it could be cute." Jane added.
" what are you guys talking about?" Sally asked as slender cleaned up his things and left.
"Adult stuff." Jane told before going back to talking.
"No fair! You're not adults!" Sally yelled.
"Nether are you. Now go play with Nina or something. ." Clocky said sending her off.
"Now back to the topic at hand." Ben said staring the conversation up again.
"I feel like Toby could do a lot better." Clocky said in a jealous manner. Clocky was probably the straightest acting bisexual girl ever.
"Hmm... well this got awkward so I'm leaving." Ben announced getting up and walking off.
"Yah....Liu probably needs me anyway." Jeff said following.
"Lj?" Jane asked but he put his hands up defensively and walked off.  "Look clocky, they aren't together so..."
"Oh right..." she said letting a smile creep onto her face. "Thanks Jane. I'll be back." She said getting up and leaving.
"Ok....uhhh....." Jane said to herself before getting an idea ."SALLY! I can play if no one else will." A moment later they little girl came running in.
"What can I do?" She asked knowing what Jane would ask.
"I'll give you candy if you go spy on Clocky, Toby, and Jack for the next few days." She offers.
"Deal! But I'm going to need half upfront." She said holding out her hand.
"You drive a hard bargain, give me a minute." She said running off, a minute or two later she came back with bag of candy. "Here." She said giving Sally a handful.
"Lovely. I'll tell you all I saw at 8am sharp every day, K?" She said smiling.
"Ok." Jane said popping a pice of candy in her own mouth. Sally went off and Jane pulled out her phone.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Jul 12, 2017 ⏰

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