Gods of Creation

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"Honey, I'm serious!"

"Gendo, I think you're finally starting to crack..."

"Yui, I'm not losing it. I have a daughter, her name is Hitagi Senjougahara!"

"No dear, you have a son. His name is Shinji Ikari. Unless you've been hiding something from me for all these years. But thankfully I have the past experience to know that you're dreams go out of control at the touch of a hat."

"...and she has a boyfriend called Koyomi Araragi, who saved her from her disease of weightlessness caught from the crabs."

"For the love of god..."

The two scientists sat over the diagram readouts, mumbling to each other over cups of strong coffee. Both looked completely exhausted, and Gendo's eyes danced around the room, his lack of sleep for over seventy-two hours beginning to spark insanity in his mind, whilst his wife looked on disgruntled. She was used to her husband being a little crazy sometimes, but the lack of sleep to her was testing her patience. Plus, the potential miracle of an experiment they were waiting to test was driving her mad. Having to wait to see the unbelievable that you knew was coming was testing her normally gentle and patient personality.

"...and she had beautiful, long purple hair."

"Gendo! We've got only a few hours before we have to let the kids know the experiments that will change their lives forever. And we sure as hell can't trust Kyoko to do it! Get your head out of your ass and focus!"

"...she was a bit of a bitch though. All tsundere, killed all the cute." With her blood vessels reaching a critical breaking point, Yui Ikari cracked her husband around the head with a heavy folder.

"You're going to be the death of me one of these days..." Yui mumbled as she massaged her aching head.

With the shock of their new homeroom teacher finally beginning to recede, Asuka hung her head behind her chair, staring at the ceiling. She didn't think she could handle more surprises today. She wanted Shinji's delicious home-cooked bento in her stomach, but lunch was still hours away. Stomach grumbling, she turned to face Shinji, who happened to sit next to her, flashing him a look of practiced annoyance. His response was a confused expression and a shrug, which wasn't the kind of attention she had been looking for.

Tearing out a scrap of paper from her notepad, she quickly began writing a message.

"I'm bored!"

Having received it, Shinji quickly read the note and glanced at her, flashing a smile that agreed with her.

"Me too. I'm not paying attention at all. You got any ideas to kill the time?" Asuka thought about the response for a little while, until a small grin crept into her expression.

"Let's play a game!"

"What kind of game?"

"20 questions, gone wild!" Shinji's eyes widened to impossible sizes as he read the response. It was all she could do to not laugh out loud. After she'd received the affirmative from Shinji, she began their little game.

"Out of all the girls in the class, who's the cutest?"

"That's not a fair question..."

"Answer the damn question, stupid Shinji!"

"A certain fiery fräulein I know..." He had the audacity to look sheepish, but his comment made her happy. At least he had noticed she was an attractive organism of the female species. Pencil in his mouth, Shinji finally came up with a question that surprised her.

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