I Live With Two Beautiful Angels

Start from the beginning

"Don't you start your new job today? Aren't you late?" Asuka's muffled voice echoed from her bedroom. Several seconds of silence echoed throughout the house before...


Shinji grinned as he wandered into his bedroom to grab his bag. First day back at school for the new semester and things were going fabulously. As he made his way to the door, the two female cohabitants barrelled out their respective bedrooms, Asuka grabbing his arm on the way out of the house, half-eaten toast hanging on for dear life as it bounced wildly from the corner of her mouth.

"Have a good day guys, watch the road, don't get hit by cars or anything." Misato yelled from her own vehicle's window as she pumped the ignition. Seconds later, she was racing down the road, speed limits be damned in their entirety.

"The only car we're going to have to worry about on the roads is that damned Alpine she drives." Asuka breathed as they both ran towards the station. After a lengthy ten minute jog to the station, they touched through the station gates with their cards and just barely made the train as the doors began to close.

"That... was... too close..." Asuka panted as she caught her breath. Shinji nodded in agreement, eyes fixed to the floor as his lungs stopped trying to kill him. He slowly stood up, catching his balance, when his first trial of the morning began by fire.

His beautiful roommate was sweating from all the running they'd just finished in the sweltering Japanese summer heat, causing her white shirt to look a little see-through in certain areas. And amongst that, it seems like they had been in far too much of a hurry for her to remember to wear a bra...

He felt his face ignite as a hot, red flush crawled up his face. There was a fair amount of people crowded onto this train, and one look at the wrong angle, and Asuka might begin to be considered an exhibitionist.

"Asuka..." He whispered frantically. "Come here!"

He received a look of confused anger for his trouble, but he didn't really care about her temper at the moment. Motioning with his hand, Asuka eventually came over to his side. He prayed to every god that would listen to protect him from the consequences of his forthcoming actions, and quickly wrapped his arms around the German girl. Her face lit up crimson as she began to try and push herself away, she wasn't anywhere near mentally prepared for Shinji's sudden forwardness.

"What the hell are you doing, idiot Shinji!?"

"You appear to have a slight wardrobe malfunction, and I'm protecting you from the lecherous idiots that share our train."

"I count you as one of those idiots as well, asshole! The hell are you talking about, 'wardrobe malfunction'?" Asuka looked down at her dress, before quickly realising Shinji had made the right, if unexpected move.

"You have got to be joking..."

"See?" Shinji grinned. "For my actions in the line of duty, I deserve immunity from concussion after this is all over."

"You'll be lucky not to get my foot up your ass as soon as we get off this damn train." Asuka mumbled as she held onto Shinji's shirt. "Don't you dare move until then. I hope to god Hikari's got a spare bra I can steal..."

"Will that even fit?"

"What in the hell are you trying to say Ikari!? Hikari and me are roughly the same size..."

"Fantastic, I now know roughly the bra size of our class president." Shinji grinned as he thought of informing Toji when he survived this particular hell.

"Why do you know my bra size!?" Asuka hissed, her face could boil water instantly. "Asshole! Pervert!" She began beating his chest angrily.

"Hey, who does all of the washing in our house?"

"Fair point, but that doesn't mean you have to memorise this stuff!"

"To be fair, I wash all of the clothes so often, I could recite Misato and your sizes from memory easily. Let me think, I'm sure you're something like a B-cup, and your..." A firm grasp on his ear made for an abrupt punctuation.

"Try telling the whole damn train Shinji, see what happens." The man standing behind Asuka shifted uncomfortably. The pain increased on Shinji's ear, and only stopped after a sharp yelp of pain escaped his lips.

"I'm sorry!" He half-meant it too. Back in the day, he had been too nervous to even talk to Asuka. Being able to tease her like his was something out of a dream, and he wanted to relish every second of it. Rolling her eyes, Asuka buried her head into his chest, partly to escape their confounding situation, but partly as a way to enjoy Shinji's scent under pretense.

"Stupid idiot..." She mumbled to herself.

What felt like an entirely too-short eternity to them both later, they arrived at their stop, after which they raced to their classroom, just making it in the nick of time. After a hasty conversation with the class president, Asuka and Hikari quickly dashed for the girls locker room, returning with a satisfied smile on both girls faces. Asuka's smile quickly turned to irritation after spotting Shinji's knowing grin and sat down on her chair, her mood in a strange place between sour and bashful after the events of the morning replayed in her head. Caught up in her bubbly daydream, she didn't even notice as their usual, old and frail homeroom teacher wandered in.

"Good morning class. I have an announcement. I may have mentioned to everyone last week how this class would be getting a new homeroom teacher soon, and I am pleased to announced she has arrived, albeit five minutes late for her first day." The class giggled in response, with Shinji agreeing with the crowd. Asuka, on the other hand, had a sudden sinking feeling that she couldn't quite explain.

"Without further ado, if you would please, Miss..."

"Katsuragi." A familiar voice echoed from the front of the class as an equally similar head of purple hair walked pridefully into their classroom. Their guardian, looking slightly tousled after what must have been plenty of near-death experiences with other vehicles, was standing at the front of the class, grinning directly at her two roommates.

"Good morning class, I'm sorry for the delay. As mentioned before, my name is Misato Katsuragi, and starting today, I'm going to be your new homeroom teacher! I hope we can all get along and have an awesome year together!" No sooner had she stopped talking then all the boys in the class erupted into cheers. The cheers stopped quickly however, when two indignantly loud voices cut through all of the noise and screamed as loud as they could.


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