and then bright.

and then how could she register the darkness now, when baekhyun looked so at peace and so innocent. dreaming. untouched by the captivating elements he held within him. not in control, but resisting.

she reached forward for her coffee. brought the hot drink up to her pouted lips, carefully blowing circles across the top to cool it down. crossed one leg over the other.

roma shut her tired eyes momentarily at the thought of the words she'd confessed to last night. heat of the moment. although roma knew that wasn't true.

she'd never loved someone more.

exhaustion had certainly taken over her frame, and she'd been gone and had had too much to drink, so the three words had spilt out, her nails raking his back, fingers touching his heated skin. he hadn't said it back.

pushed that thought to the back of her mind for the minute.

he was lying on his front, slightly to the side, light brown hair falling across his forehead. breathing up and down, the cover not doing much to hide his bare skin. but roma didn't mind that.

each muscle and section of tanned skin looked gorgeous in the glaring sunshine.

eyelashes reflecting and the frowned, sleeping lips.

she sucked in a sharp breath, focused completely on baekhyun's sleeping figure. wanted to crawl in beside him, but she needed coffee, and he was too beautiful for her.

roma finished her drink, and reached down to the floor to grab an item of her clothing. she had a sudden thought, rummaging in the pocket for her phone. the battery was low; she realised she hadn't looked at it for a long time.

baekhyun was still sleeping.

she left the room quietly, hoping he'd still be unconscious when she returned, so she could silently fold her body next to his and just stay like that.

roma crossed her legs as she sat herself down on the sofa in the other room. she didn't have many notifications; her shaky fingers traced across the screen, having forgotten. mum hadn't contacted her in a while.

finger hovered over mia's name. wasn't clear on why she was unsure about calling her best friend. it had seemed eons since they'd last spoken. roma supposed she felt guilty, and perhaps rightfully so.

pressed the phone to her ear. it rang, a few times longer than she had hoped.

but she finally picked up.

"roma? hey," mia's croaking voice responded. sounded gravelly and like she was way more exhausted than she'd ever heard her. she sniffed.

"hey, mia," roma replied. and then immediately was at a loss for words.

she felt that they'd lost something. mia had always been the one that would take off for a few days, maybe even a week. no questions asked. disappearing with a boy she'd just met and coming back with a heart that would heal quickly and the same strong smile that she always held on her face.

roma leaving was different.

mia was bad at showing true intent and emotions. always one to hide behind a bright, smiley grin and a hard exterior and using each boy to pretend like she didn't care. roma knew her the best out of anyone.

"how are you? h-has something happened...?" mia was asking, sounding concerned, despite her own voice sounding like she was in need herself.

"i'm fine, mia. no, no, nothing's happened. how are you?"

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