1. him over there

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jisoos- wonwoo

ww- wot

jisoos- i'll meet u in the library after school k?

ww- yeh, i mean that was the plan soo..

jisoos- btw I'm bringing a friend w/ as well

ww- what who???

jisoos- you'll see

ww- -_-


it was 7 minutes after the last bell had rung, signalling the end of the day and wonwoo was sitting quietly in the library. he was trying to focus on his book despite the fact that something was obviously bothering him. although he didn't know if it was because the book he was reading had an obnoxiously stubborn main character or the fact that jisoo and his friend were late and he had no clue about their whereabouts.

he flips the page of the book resting on the table, the sound almost echoing in the nearly empty library.

wonwoo decides that not even reading seems to be able to distract him so he pulls out his journal and starts jotting down ideas for some stories or poems while tapping his fingers absentmindedly on the table.

now, jisoo and his so-called friend were only about three minutes late but wonwoo knows that jisoo is usually very punctual. this was very out of character. unlike wonwoos unnecessary worrying.

wonwoo desperately tried to focus on the words he was writing in front of him to avoid writing the same thing twice, not really taking much notice to any of the other sounds in the library.

wonwoo scribbles down another sentence and squints as if to think about what he was writing better.

"hey, whatcha writing?"

wonwoo snaps his book shut and drops the pen as a voice speaks up from his left shoulder.

"who are you!?" wonwoo exclaims, slightly startled by the taller male standing only a few inches from him

"i'm jisoo's friend and hopefully yours too soon" the boy smiles at him

wonwoo was slightly taken back by how smooth that sounded but the other boy's tone made it seem like a line he had used plenty a time on many different people.

"how do you even know who i am? and where is jisoo-"

"he's over there" the tall boy points towards some shelves under the sign that says 'music theory', "he pointed at you when we came in and said 'him over there, the emo looking one' so i listened and here i am. i'm surprised i startled you, i mean i did almost knock over a shelf as i came in" the tall boy laughs and sticks his thumb backwards, pointing towards a shelf, supposedly the one he almost knocked over.

"well jisoo certainly knows how to set up a bad first impression, i am not emo he is just an idiot" wonwoo glares in the direction of the 'musical theory' shelves.

(2017 OLD) boring; meanieWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt