Chapter 3

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So my Sunday sucked ass. It was boring, I was all day in my room watching a marathon of family guy and ate an entire box of pizza. So it was pretty boring. The only excitement in my Sunday was when peter fell repeadetly down the stairs.

Today is Monday morning. Its currently 5:00 in the morning. Why am I awake at this hour? Easy, I woke up by another horrid memory from my past with Adam. I'm currently on the phone with Rocky and she's calming me down.

"Easy, okay? Thats all in the past now. He can't hurt you anymore. He moved away, remember?" Rocky says calmly

"Yeah, he's in Colombia, he's far,far away from here." I try and calm myself like Rocky instructed me a few minutes ago.

" you good?" Rocky asks

"I-i think so... Thanks Rocky" I say stuttering a bit

"No problem. I'm here for you" she says and I can already see her smile through the phone.

"Thanks." And with that I end the call.

I lay in bed looking at the sealing for what feels like hours. Till I hear a tap on my window. Now, this scared the fuck out of me cause I live in an apartment complex in the 3rd floor. For something to tap my window has to be either a pebble thrown from below my window or a branch... And outside my window are NO TREES WHAT SO EVER! So I just stay in bed, thinking it could be some kids playing some kind of prank... Till I hear it again, this time a bit harder. At this point it can be a pebble because it sounds to hard for It to be a pebble.

So I stand up and stand in front of my window, I grab the curtain and I'm about to pull it open but my phone chimes and I almost shit myself. I look at my phone thats still in my hand and see a message from Brook.

Brook: hey girlie! Morning, hyd? Rocky told me you had another nightmare, you okay? :(

I dont answer her, I just turn off the screen and look at the curtain in front of me. I hear another tap. I Gather some courage from I dont know where and slide the curtain to the side. I jumped back frightened, then I was confused.

Logan was on my window.


How the fuck did he even get up here!?

"Hey, can you please open the goddamn window! Its freezing out here!" Logan demand

I look at him confused but then open my windown. He comes in and I have no words to say.

"wh-" I stop mid sentence "How?" Is the only thing I can say

"No time to explain. Do you have salt?" Logan asks out of breath.

" wha- you climbed the side of a building to ask me for some salt!? What the fu- no, HOW the fuck do you even know where I live? And why do you need salt? Go to the store you baboon"

He seems taken a back from my reaction. " you know, I'm in your room"

"No shit sherlock! I know that!"

He chuckles "half of the girls in winter wood would love me to be in there room, in fact they might even be honored!"

"Woohoo, what a blessing" I say plainly and emotionless

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