Start from the beginning

"Screw it." She headed through the line with confidence. That confidence she had quickly faded when she had food thrown at her, which she attempted to fend off. "Yeah doing my job! Doing my job! Ha ha!" Cristina eventually made it to the front door. The others were quite shocked.

"They threw food at her!" Izzie gasped, making the other two nod with their mouth wide open. "That is just wrong! Fine I'm going in!" She took a deep breath and went in. They threw food at her as well, nobody was really safe. Courtney watched Izzie walk through and use her bag to fend the fruit off.

"Oh dear god, here I go. But if they get my hair, I'm going to be pissed." She muttered to herself as she started moving forward. The moment she stepped between the picket fences, she was bombarded with all sorts of fruits. She bit on her lip to stop herself from yelling when she felt pieces of fruit in her blonde hair. She tried to cover herself with her coat, but that proved to be unhelpful.

She glared at the nurses who were throwing things at her. Then she noticed her friend standing in the crowd, yelling and holding her sign up. Valerie quickly saw her friend speeding by the line and mouthed sorry as she pointed towards the blonde's hair. Courtney shot her a small smile, relieved that Valerie wasn't angry with her. The blonde intern ran the last part to the door. She finally reached the front door and stood next to Izzie, who yelled at George asking if he was going to come. He wasn't coming and remained still at the end of the picket line as he watched people walk by him.


Since Bailey had to go on maternity leave, they were appointed a new resident. They had no idea who they had, so they were playing a guessing game: Who is their new resident? Cristina, Alex, Courtney and Izzie were waiting at a nurses station and each time a doctor walked past they couldn't help but hope that he or she was going to be it. Cristina saw a renowned doctor walk by and quickly pointed him out. He had published twice and was flawless, according to her. However, Izzie wanted otherwise since she thought that he was a freak and knew that he didn't let you speak in the O.R. Another doctor passed the small group of interns. That time it was Alex, who pointed him out. "I think it's him. What's his name again?"

"Oh yeah, mouth breather guy. But he'll let you do a procedure on your own if he likes you." Cristina said, right when Meredith walked up to them. The latter one was a bit confused on what they were doing.

"Trying to figure out who they're going to pick for Bailey's replacement." Alex explained. Their guessing came to an end rather quickly, when a loud booming voice called out their names. A young, cheerful female doctor – named Sydney Heron- bounced down the stairs and made her way up to them.

"Here you are! I was looking for you guys in the locker room, but you weren't there and then I thought well maybe my interns are looking for me too and then I come out her and here you are." She chuckled. Courtney raised her eyebrows at the woman and sighed. She had never thought that she would want Bailey back so badly. "Yeah." Cristina looked totally horrified, hating the woman already. She was the total opposite of Cristina, so it would be expected. "You guys look like a great group,"

Meredith looked like she wanted to laugh. "Which is awesome. Because my horoscope said it's going to be a very challenging day and I was a little worried, but no you guys ... yeah, you look like a good group. Which is great! Because we're going to have so much fun! Hi!" She held out her arms and hugged a horrified Cristina Yang. "Hi, First of all hi! Hi." Cristina remained stiff and uncomfortable. She let out a couple of ows, making Sydney back up to ask if she hurt her.

"Ah, no you're, you're touching me."

She had on Oh look on her face, but quickly lost it. Then the woman finally introduced herself to the group. "I'm Sydney Heron. 4th Year and my philosophy – just so you know – is, um, is heal with love." Alex and Izzie raised their eyebrows, while Courtney placed her hand in front of her mouth – trying to cover her laugh. "Okay, so wonderful. So, Alex, Izzie, Courtney, Meredith, Cristina and our little group is just missing –"

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