Sound Of My Life

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Do you know those smiles that could light up a room? The ones that come from within and make everything else seem dull and lifeless? She had that kind of smile except her smile did more than light up a room. Her smile lit up my world. It took my breath from me. It took time to get used to it, to be able to hide my reaction but that smile. Her smile. It still affects me the same way. Like a kick right in my stomach.

It could be her lips. The way she bites her lower lip when shes thinking. It puts me in a trance. I can stare at her for hours. I love the way her brow furrows when something displeases her, although I cant stand when something makes her unhappy. The butterflies that beautiful smile and mouth of hers give me couldnt even be described as flutters. I have to steady myself when I am around her.

Her hands are something special too. The way she moves them when she talks. Her hand even fits mine perfectly. It was like her hand was meant to be held by mine. Her touch gives me chills. I love the feeling of being connected to her. She touches me and my heart stops. It's like the first time, everytime. The hardest thing to do is hide how she affects me. I sometimes catch myself staring at her hand when we're driving, just because I love the way her hand looks in mine.

I can't even begin to describe her eyes. I get lost in them. Big, beautiful brown eyes. I love when she looks at me. The fire in her eyes that scorches me when she is mad or the humor dancing in her eyes when she's making fun of me. She doesn't even need to speak because you can tell how she feels from her eyes. They tell a story all on their own.

This possesiveness I feel is new to me. I want to be who she thinks about. I want to be in her mind, her soul, but most of all, her heart. My heart is in the palm of her hand and she doesn't even know it. I want to give her the world because she is my world. I want to show her things she's never seen before, make her feel things she's never felt before, and do things she's never done before. She the first person I think about when I wake up and the last person I think about before I go to sleep.

I cant imagine life without her anymore. She lives in my heart. Another extension of my body and my soul. The rythym of my heart beats in tune to hers. Hers beats and then my beats. Its a consistent beat and its the sound of my life.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2017 ⏰

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