Chapter 5 | Reoccurrence

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Hi Dreamers! What do ya think of the book so far?

CHAPTER 5: Reoccurrence


"B*tch!" I shot open my eyes and jolted forward in shock. I moved my arms, hearing a clang of metal as I did.

Dammit not again.

It seems like being captivated wasn't anything new to me, I should be used to it by now.

Frantically, I looked around in the dim light trying to find anything to hint at where I am. Shifting in my position, I glanced up at my wrists to see they had a metal bracelet type of thing around them which was attached to a chain that was latched onto the wall. Great, f*cking great.

My arms started to ache as they were tied over my head, causing the blood to not circulate through the two limbs properly.

I was bound to a corner by the looks of it, probably in some sort of basement or isolated room from the concrete floors and walls, plus the lack of windows was a give away.

'Alright miss Smartie pants, we need to find a way to escape.' One of the voices said to me.

I rolled my eyes at them. "How though? God only knows where the f*ck I am."

'She has a point.'

"Lol, anyway, do you guys' have names?" I asked them.

'Yeah actually, we do, I'm Insanity.' A voice said. 'Call me Izzy though, or something like that.'

Chuckling slightly at the name, I heard another start to talk, it seemed like it had a very masculine voice. 'Shut up you no good f*cktard,' It scolded Izzy. 'I'm Danger, or Danny.'

A tut echoed through my head. 'Don't mind them too idiots, I'm the more reliable one, Conscious. Connie for short.'

"Heh, isn't that cool, the voices in my head have names." I muttered to myself, a little surprised. "Why are you called that anyway?" I asked them.

'Well my name is Conscious for a reason, to guide you through your decisions and such.' Connie explained.

'I'm called Insanity because I'm the one who helps you through your insane breakouts, like when you were killing your bullies I was in the back of your mind breaking out of my shell, helping you with it.'

"Wow, I guess I owe you a thanks." I smiled, knowing that I've got some help to murder people.

'And my fabulous name is Danger because I help with your thoughts, like when you think about escaping or killing, I add to the ideas and basically I help with your dangerous thoughts and such.'

"That's awesome to be honest," I chuckled again. "So I've got myself three helpers and best mates."

'Damn right you have.' I could almost feel the sassy click of Danny's fingers as he said that.

I snickered at the voices silly behaviour, almost forgetting that I was trapped again. I was snapped from my thoughts as I heard footsteps coming closer to me.

The voices shushed themselves as a door creaked open. "Who are you talking to?" A familiar male voice said, slamming the door shut behind him.

A light illuminated the room, making me squint from the sudden change of brightness since I was just sat in darkness. When my eyes adjusted to the light, they immediately widened as I saw the person who caught me.

He plastered a smirk on his lips as he brushed back his raven locks from his view. "Talking to yourself?" The smile mouth killer asked me. Stupid f*cking joker wanna be.

"At least they're nice enough to not capture me after helping me out." I mumbled, diverting my gaze to the floor so I didn't have to look at him.

Sighing, he took a few steps forward then crouched down in front of me. "What's your name, doll?"

"Go f*ck yourself." From saying that, I received a harsh slap to the face. I bit my lip, preventing me from letting a whimper escape.

'What a pr*ck.' Danny tutted.

"Tell me your name, or next time-" He stuck his hand in his blood stained hoodie pocket and pulled out a carving knife. "-I'll let my baby cut some sense into you."

I rolled my eyes and moved my head, now looking at him from the side. "It's Y/n." I huffed, shivering slightly from the cold air.

As I diverted my gaze again, I noticed that I never got something to cover my chest from the asylum, meaning I was just wearing a bra and white sweat pants. Great.

My cheeks dusted with a pink blush, making me inwardly groan at my body's reaction.

The black haired man snickered. "Want a shirt?" He asked after taking observation of my blush and Goosebumps on my skin.

I nodded my head once, not saying anything in hopes that I wouldn't embarrass myself anymore than I already have.

Standing up, he turned and walked over to the opposite end of the dark room. He shuffled around, probably in a draw or something, trying to find me something to cover up with.

His shadow turned and he strolled back over to me with s f/c piece of fabric in his hands. "It's a blanket." He stated, squatting down and covering as much as he could with it.

The soft blanket brushed against my skin, making me shiver again. I was more than happy that I was being treated with care.

"Thanks...?" I said, trailing off at the end. I wanted to say thanks whatever your name is, but that'd be rude.

The male took the hint and rolled his eyes at me. "It's Jeff." He mumbled, standing up and heading for the door.

"Jeff? That's a sh*t name." I muttered under my breath.

"You think so?" He asked, his head hung low and back facing me. From his hair covering his eyes and the dim sh*te lighting, I couldn't tell if he was looking at me or not.

'Snap.' Izzy whispered. 'Snap on him. Show him your true self.' Her whisper echoed through my head, making me a little dizzy.

"Yeah, you b*astard, I think you're a f*cking pr*ck! You and your goddamn name! Now let me the f*ck go and I won't hurt you." I spat, struggling against my restraints.

"Fiesty b*tch." He tutted, shaking his head. "You aren't going anywhere."

"You'll regret the day you captured me, tw*t face."


Yep, writer's block, again.

Welp, today I'm on a roll and I'll probably write 2 or 3 chapters today and publish them throughout the course of the week.

-Sweet Nightmares

Heartbreaker (Jeff The Killer x Reader) [COMPLETED]Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα