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Sorry if this is awful i haven't written much in a while and this is my first fanfic sooo here we go... oh and feel free to comment and give any constructive criticism. lastly sorry for my horrendous grammatical errors.


Troye's POV

I always am in such a good mood coming to L.A to see tyler but then again who wouldn't be in a good mood to see THE Tyler Oakley. I just got off the plane and I probably look like complete shit. Of course Tyler is here to see me looking this awful but i cant help but smile when i see him grinning at me looking adorable with his back pack he walks over to me arms prepared for a hug and I reciprocate. We embrace and he smells so good he still wears that cologne he got to meet the president. He pulls out his phone and turns on the front camera "Troyler selfie for my people!" he says "Oh please no my hair looks awful" I beg "Bitch please your quiff game is always strong!" I roll my eyes and reluctantly agree to this picture. We get in our poses and right before his thumb lights the shutter button i realize he is making that face where he purses his lips and you cant see them "smile with your lips, it's cute" i say in a mocking tone. He shoots me a snide look with an eye roll as his lips form into a smile.

Tyler's POV

I cant help but giggle like an idiot when he says that. I just hope he doesn't notice my blushing. I change my facial expression to a classic smile, and snap a few photos it takes about 12 before we both agree on one to post, even tho Troye looks flawless in all of them. I look like a gremlin standing next to a god. I tell him that but i leave out the god part. "If you look like a gremlin i cant imagine what that would make me, you look fine" he reassured me. That makes me blush more while typing the caption "finally reunited with this twink" Troye ,reading over my shoulder, groaned at the word "Twink" "when are you going to stop calling me that?" he said with a half smile. I gasp "Never!". He replies with another groan. "Hey but you're MY twink" i blurt out. Did i just say that ,"MY twink", mine? oh my god! i feel my face turn red and i check to see Troyes face for his reaction he is already turned to walk to the car. Maybe he didn't hear me. Let's hope so.


once again sorry if this is bad feel free to comment i plan on updating every other dayish maybe??



Troye's POV

Did he just say "my twink"? maybe i misheard him, or imagined it? no he definitely said it. Did he mean anything by it? does he call everyone his? i turn to the car so he doesn't see me blushing. I have never liked the word "Twink" but if im Tyler's twink it doesn't sound as bad anymore. We get to the shuttle and i look around and i notice Tyler and i are the only ones there. So naturally Tyler starts chatting up the shuttle driver and the driver seems genuinely engaged in the conversation. Im sure tons of people try to make small talk with him everyday and i bet it would get pretty annoying listening to people talk about the weather or complaining about lost luggage all the time. But Tyler has him listening to every word. The way his face changes expression and how his lips form words is mesmerizing. Tyler is so talented when it comes to speaking (thats probably why he has 4 million subscribers) but it really is a talent, and i wish i had it. I wish i could engage people, make them interested, make them listen to what i have to say. I wish i could be more like Tyler.

Tylers POV

We got off the shuttle into the parking garage I waved goodbye to the driver and turned to Troye "Well he was lovely" i said "yea!" Troye responded. Troye put his bags in the back and got in the passenger side. "OMG! Troye Sivan so how has it been in Aussie? Land any starring roles latley?" I ask enthusiasticly. He laughs and shakes his head "nope just finnished shooting spud 3 with Caspar" "Oh yes Caspar Lee!" i raise an eyebrow and nudge him as a joke. "Oh please we both know hes straight as a pole" we laughed and joked until we got to my place. Its only Troye this trip Connor was going to come but bailed at the last minute and honestly i cant say im that upset, dont get me wrong i love connor but having Troye all to myself? yes please! damn, is my crushing on him that hard?


sorry its kinda starting off slow but now they are at tylers now so you know shits going to go down soon ;) Again if you have any comments or critiques that would be awesome! :)


आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Apr 01, 2014 ⏰

नए भागों की सूचना पाने के लिए इस कहानी को अपनी लाइब्रेरी में जोड़ें!

Troylerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें