Proposal ( Nosh )

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Josh's pov

"Where are we going" I asked as my boyfriend, Niall drove his car. he looked at me and grinned. "Nandos!" He said happily.

I rolled my eyes "Why am I not surprised at all." I said and he just chuckled. After both of us walked into Nandos, I looked around and it was empty.

There was no one in there. "Weird... There's no one..." I said. I looked back as Niall didn't answer me but when I looked back he was not there.

I got confused and looked around.
" Um, Ni? Where are you?" I called out. Suddenly I heard someone playing guitar and I looked at the front.

It was Niall and he was singing "All of me." After he finished he walked towards me and kneeled down in front of me. His left hand grabbed mine and his other hand hold a ring.

"Josh, will you be with me for the rest of my life?" He asked sweetly. I grinned and nodded. He got up and hugged me. "I love you, Josh. Forever."

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