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That's right...

Und ich weiß ehrlicherweise nicht, ob das jetzt alle von euch so hart feiern, in Anbetracht der Tatsache, dass die Mango ihr Königreich ziemlich im Stich gelassen hat...

Ich hoffe ihr glaubt mir, dass mir das von ganzem Herzen echt wirklich leid tut :(

Naja, ich bin mittlerweile 17 und [die DANCING QUEEN, YOUNG AND SWEET, ONLY SEVENTEEN] nach wie vor kindisch und unreif.

But you see, I've just recently stumbled upon the tag #diesesFühl in a mango group chat I haven't been active in in years and it made me quite emotional that all of this is still going...
It also made me realize what a hella shitty person I am for letting down pretty much everyone.

And from the bottom of my tiny ass heart, I am so sorry.

Since I know that I shouldn't be asking for forgiveness anyway because that's just dumb (I shouldn't have done it in the first place) I thought I could at least make the few of you that are still around smile a little...
In short: MoN will continue!

So let's get started!

- Mango out (but actually back in the game)

Mother of NOPEWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt