Something you probably did not expect

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How to not write a story (a poem, I guess)

Roses are red
Violets are blue
My dear little fanfics
What happened to you?

I once was beautiful
I used to care
Then came the fandoms
And brought fanfics to share.

The sun above is shining
But I'm inside of my room
Been locked in here for hours now
And loads and loads of fics I consume.

And all the way I'm fighting
Reading also those stories that suck
And all that can be heard downstairs is
"Shit! What the...? I give up."

Lead buds are green
The ocean is turquoise
If I keep reading this crap
I surely am going to lose my poise.

Clouds are white
And Horan's first name's not Niley
I think I might stab someone
if I read another fic called "Me and Jan Delay"

Some stories, though, are brilliant,
So there's no offence here
Beautifully written and full of ideas
Those are the authors I am holding dear.

My face is red in anger, however,
When the grammar has long passed away
And the logic is on a rampage
And there's neither use nor need to pray.

So don't you abuse these words
Unless you want to die
I'll gladly stab you in the face
And later have some pie.

Sunflowers are yellow
You think your story is written well?
It will be written in your blood
And I'll see your ass in hell.

All humans are born creative
It is what helps us to survive
But a word of warning: the challenge is
To keep that creativity alive.

So make a use of it;
Write and learn, think and try
You can create masterpieces,
Just not with a mistake level so high.

Grass is green and this poem sucks ass
I'm sorry I did this to you
I'm going to eat a mango now
And that's what I strongly suggest for you, too.

So farewell, my friends,
Just one phrase left to be said out loud:
Vote, comment, leave me some love
Goodbye, and ~ Mango out

Mother of NOPEHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin