Part 5

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Lexi's POV

I run to Josh. As I got closer I notice he is gaged and bound to the desk. He looked up at me with broken eyes as I removed the gag. I almost didn't hear him when he spoke.

"Save yourself. I'm just a lost cause" He spoke lowering his head.

I bent down and started to untie the knot.

"Did you not hear me?...... Save yourself. Leave me." He said his head still down.

"You saved me. I need to returned the favor." I spoke undoing the last knot while the smoke filled the room.

I looked around and grabbed a blue jacket off the desk making a blood stained knife fall off with it. Somewhere in my mind told me to pick it up ,but I ignored it. I wrapped the jacket around Josh's waist and tied it.

"This will stop the bleeding"

I help him up and we walked out of the room just for a barrel of a pistol to pointed be pointed at Josh. I should have known Kasper wasn't that stupid, but he made a mistake. Kasper left Chase.

"You wouldn't " I screamed.

He pulled back and hesitated for a moment then aimed the gun again.

"I have orders" He spoke coldly.

"Chase, You don't have to do this! Dad doesn't control your life any more! Mum-..." Josh was interrupted by a bullet being shot in the wall beside him.

"Don't talk about her!"

"Chase! You turned eighteen last week. You can leave ,but you choose to stay with our mum's murder! You can stay ,but I'm leaving Chase!........." Josh stopped and held on to my shoulder almost collapsing.

"Chase, You can't rewrite the past ,but now you can pick up the pen and change your story. Goodbye Brother, even if I can call you that anymore." Josh spoke holding my shoulder.

Chase lowered the gun knowing he was beat.

"Go, Before I change my mind and I'm not the only one here."

I help him to the fire escape. The smoke was already filling the room. I throw the door open just to see a rusted set of stairs that lead to the ground. This can't be happening. I glance to my left and see a sign attached to the top of the building which was a few inches above my head the other side attached to a building about twenty yards away. It looked level with the other building. I look at the writing and read:.

"New Development Coming Soon!! Styles Co."

I have two chooses: Go down an century old fire escape or take my chances with the cable that the sign was on.

I choose the cable.

I hoist myself and Josh to the roof and look across the cable then down. Seven story's separated Josh and me from the ground. Josh could walk a little better without help and hadn't passed out from blood loss yet. I look around and saw two metal poles. I grab them and hand one to Josh.

"We have to walk it". I spoke


"Hold the pole level and don't look down." I say simply.

I stood in front of the cable and placed my right foot on first as a million questions filled my head.

What if the cable breaks?

What is Josh falls?

What if I fall?


I'm pulled from my thoughts when I hear a door open. I'm not the only one here. Chase's words ring in my head. I hear shots ring out. I was only about a meter out and Josh was right behind me. There's no turning back.

Bullied By Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now