Tunnel Vision

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Amelia's P.o.v.

"Ow! What the shit, Grace!?" I snapped as my stomach slammed into a something rough.

"Oh, sorry Ami!" She said and grabbed my elbow, leading me to the what I only assumed was the wooden bench, it's outline still so incredibly blurry. "My bad." She said in an apologetic voice.

"Its okay, I just need to get to know my way around before I can walk around by myself." I commented as Graces footsteps retreated away, her voice calling from somewhere to the left.

"Okay, just don't walk 10 steps In front of you unless you wanna fall into the river." She warned as she rustled through her bag for a while before zipping it back up.

I nodded slightly and began to think.
I wasn't completely blind, I could see the outline of most things, I could see colors. They were very blurry but they were still there. The darker colors where much easier for me to see. I couldn't see anything like clouds, rainbows, rain etc. Grass was normally just a big green mesh for me but nature has been my favorite thing for as long as I could remember.

My vision wasn't always like this, it happened around 8 months ago. The doctors aren't exactly sure what happened, it was kinda I just woke up and I could barely see anything. Imagine if you went team having goggles on under water and being able to see anything, and then they just slip off, making your whole world way harder to see.

I still remember what I look like, what Grace looks like, what my parents looked like, what my brother looked like, what apes looked like...I miss seeing it all clearly.

Grace always likes to explain to me what I look like now. I can picture it but I can't see it, that's all I want.

The doctors (that were still alive after 9 years in this world) told me, before this whole sickness this whole ape thing happened, that it would clear up. But it would take a year or two for it to happen, and they weren't even 100% sure it would.

It has gotten better sense this whole thing happened, which was good, but it was still terrible.

I just wanted to see the nature. I didn't care about anything else just the nature... This whole thing started when I was 9...I hadn't seen my brother in almost 10 years...

I jumped as Grace's hands touched my head, there was slight weight on my head, like someone had placed five sheets of paper on my head.

"Purple and white wild flowers."


"I put a flower crown on your head. It has white and purple wildflowers alone with some green leaves that compliments your loooooong black hair that goes past your ass and your incredibly bright green eyes!" She exclaimed happily as I smiled slightly.

"Do you just take all the chances you can get to explain to me what I look like?" I asked with curiosity as Grace sat down next to me.

"Yes! And to compliment you huge boobs and nice ass."


"Shut your face, This is why I'm your best friend!"

I chuckled slightly and brushed my bangs out if my face, the cool breeze slapping my face and sprinkles of rain caressed my cheeks.

"Hey Grace, what-"

I was cut off by the sounds of branches swinging, leaves raining down on our heads as I reached for the knife tucked in my Doc Martins.

The swinging stopped and some thumps came from the left, causing Grace grip my forearm tightly.

"Grace...? What is it?" I whispered as she tensed up.

"What do you want?" She snapped at whatever was over there.

"What do you want?!" She yelled again as quick quick footsteps came towards us.

Grace jumped up, her hand still on my forearm causing me to fumble and fall onto the wet grass.

"Ami stand..." She trailed off as whatever was walking towards us stopped in front of me, as I stood, hands and knees on the ground. I could see the outline of my flower crown below me along with what looked like black animal feet a few inches in front of me.

I hesitated before reaching my hand out towards the animal.

"Amelia. Don't. Stop." Grace snarled at me, making me stop for a few seconds before proceeding to reach out to what me and Grace both knew was there.

My hand grazed the leg of the ape, before I stood up and touched their chest and face, trying to find some district feature so if I ever ran into them again, I would know it was them.

They had deep gashes on their chest, I could feel the blood all over my hand.

"She...she can barley see, she can sign but that's not really important anymore considering her condition. But its supposed to get better in the next few months, maybe even a year. She can also speak French and English if that helps and Jesus you probably can't even understand me but I-"

"Grace." I mumbled. She rambled when she was scared.

I knew that then gashes would eventually become scars. That's how I would tell.

I went to pull my hand away but before I could the ape wrapped his hands around mine and tapped my palm, indicating for me to feel his hands as he began to sign.


I hesitated before pulling my hand away and sloppily signing back.

"We've...lived...here...for 9 days."

He grabbed my hand once again.

"Are you dangerous?"


"My father will need to meet you."

"Who's your father?"


My heart skipped a beat at the sound of the name,memories of my brother flooded back into my head before the sickness got to him. Memories of his pet whom he was so scared was dead.

"Oh Will...I guess Caesar's not dead after all."

Flickers (Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes) °Book One°Where stories live. Discover now