S2 s9

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Walking back from Taehyung room, I keep thinking and thinking. What my decision I wanna make. So I finally made up my mind. I need to slowly disappear from his life.

Instead of going back to Jimin, I went straight home. I packed all my stuff and left a note, just in case they think I was captured or raped or somethin. The note said,

Dear Jimin, Taehyung, possibly Hye Anh, and maybe Jimins sister,

I want you all to know, I feel like I'm making Taehyungs life stressful, not just for him but Jimin too. So I decided to leave silently. Don't look for me. Please. It's best. I'll come back when It's the right time. For now, goodbye.

Taehyung, take care, don't forget about me.
Jimin, watch Taehyung and Hye Anh for me ok?
Hye Anh, you become a beautiful girl when you grow up okay? Mommy loves you.

Kim Jennie

I left the note on the counter. I dark sunglasses, a hat that had a heart on it, and a black mask, and walked out of the house. I walked around the city. I found a coffee shop hiring people. So I got the job there.

>>6 years later<<
I changed throughout the six years. I'm everyday I wonder if Taehyung is doing well. I wonder if Hye Anh is doing good. And I also wonder is Jimin is taking good care of both of them.

My shift was about to end. I then see a family of three coming in. Two men and one girl. I look closely at them. It was Jimin, Taehyung, and Hye Anh. They were walking torwards the store. My eyes go big. I go into the bathroom and look at myself. I grab my back pack and apply makeup so I look different. I also fix my hair really quick. I put it to a side braid and put on my new gray hair I got not too long ago.

I hear the door open so I rush out of the bathroom. I put my backpack on a back table. I went to the cashier and they came to me. Taehyung 

"Hi, can we get 3 cookies, and 2 mocha caramel frap?"

"Of course!"

I punched in what they wanted and told them to total. They paid and then I went to get their  order.

I got them there stuff. Before them leaving Taehyung stopped. He looked back and said,

"Have we...met before?"

I froze. I didn't know what to do. So I said,

"N-no I don't t-think so why?"

"O-oh haha never mind then"

He smiled and left. I closed up the shop and said to myself, he seems way more happier when I'm not around. I did the right thing to leave him quietly...

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