"But why would Optimus willfully endanger a human?" Ms. Darby asked. "A child?"

"I'm not a child, mom." Jack said.

"Maybe Optimus believes there's more to Jack than meets the eye." Arcee put in.

"All of which is moot." Ratchet said. "The key card is useless with out a means of reaching Cybertron."

"Dude, what about that?" Miko pointed to the ground bridge.

"It's a ground bridge, Miko." I put emphasis on the word ground. "Remember how difficult it was to get it to earths orbit?" I said.

"Yeah, but Ratchet built it, can't he just rewire it or something?" She said.

I looked to said bot, but he remained silent. I sighed and decided to go get some peace and quiet in my shared quarters. But as I got down the ladder, a pain struck my chest. I cried out in both pain and surprise and fell on one knee. I heard Bumblebee yell my name. The pain didn't go away as I hoped, but grew. I clutched the area over my heart and fought back tears. I felt arms on me, and seen ms. Darby's face, but I couldn't register much else. I fell onto my back, but was caught and slowly lowered down. I felt my body spasming painfully

I felt something strange, so strong I almost forgot my current pain. It wasn't like the feeling I had gotten just before Bumblebee had saved us from the hurricane, but just as comforting. I opened my clenched eyes to see a ball of blue-ish white light. It was glowing so bright it dimmed the lights in the room, it floated down and I felt my heart rate speed up as it came closer to the ground, seeming intent on me. I whimpered as it drew nearer to my chest, but i immediately stopped when it lightly brushed the area over my heart. The pain vanished and left an ebbing feeling until that too evaporated into nothing.

I opened my eyes all the way to watch the strange orb. Everyone in the room went silent as the ball of light glowed brighter, and brighter until I had to shield my eyes. When I deemed it safe to look again, I found myself face to face with a girl with dark brown hair and two blond streaks framing side her face. She had blue eyes with visible flecks of silver, like sun glinting off the ocean waves. She was smiling down at me with pink lips. The girl wore a simple white dress that flowed around her knees. I knew exactly who she was, but I couldn't dare let myself believe it.

"R...Roselia?" I whispered.

She smiled widely. "Are you going to sit there gaping all day or are you going to hug me?" She held her arms out. I reached out and slowly touched her palm, gasping and yanking my hand back at the contact. I looked back up into my dead sister's eyes to see her amusement at my caution. I wasted no more time in crying out her name as I launched myself at her. She wrapped her arms around me and I shook as I cried. I clung to my twin, realizing then just how much I had missed her. When we finally pulled back, I seen her smiling face streaming with tears, as mine was.

"I can't believe this." I muttered, shaking my head, though I never took my eyes off her in fear she'd disappear.

"Ahem." I forced myself to turn to Fowler, who had cleared his throat. All the humans had moved to the ground when I collapsed, and Ratchet was frozen in place, his mouth agape.

"Is this a normal thing for you?" He said. I laughed and shook my head. "You see her too?" I asked, just to make sure. They all nodded.

"Bella, I think it's time to tell them." I turned at my twin's voice.

"First, how is this possible? You're dead. I buried you myself, I watched the life leave your eyes! How are you here?" I sobbed and peered into Roselia's eyes, just as pretty as I remembered them.

She nodded slowly. "I did die. But, the Big Guy sent me back, for now. He's got some plans for you." She turned to my friends. "All of you."

"Wait, who are you?" Ms. Darby asked.

Rosie rose to her feet, bringing me along with her. "I'm Roselia. Isabella's twin sister."

"You have a twin?" Jack asked.

I nodded. "It's hard to talk about her." I answered the question in his eyes as I squeezed Rosie's hands.

"We'll get to that later, first, I have to help you." Rosie said to me.

I cocked my head. "Help me?"

She nodded and lost her smile as she looked down. When she looked back up, a look of sorrow was etched into her features. "Isabella, you're-" she cut off and sighed. "-you're deaf by 40%, and your eyesight has dropped down by 20. You half blind compared to how you could see before. And your sense of smell is practically gone now. But don't worry, your senses will heighten once your memories come back."

I looked at her with narrowed eyes. "What are you talking about? I'm not deaf I can hear you fine, I can see you right there. I'm not blind, what are you talking about?" I don't know why, but her words really got to me.

She shook her head. "It's okay, you'll be okay. You just need to remember."

"Remember what?" She smiled and pressed her thumb to the skin between my brows. I could see a white glow from it in the reflection of Rosie's eyes. She turned to the open space beside us and raised her arm, palm outstretched. The same white light poured out of her palm and it turned into a movie theatre screen-like thing, and images played. Ones that I knew would change my life forever

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