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 Seven years prior

Anna Marshall

The black and royal blue bus zoomed past me, creating a strong wind in addition to the breeze already occurring; we would never come back into contact again.

I took a deep breath and let it out, along with my feelings of nervousness, as I looked at the tall brick building up and down. Bars covered every window and door, for protection, safety, and for not escaping, and the entrance looked so... sad. Everything about this place screamed sadness, and probably the people inside as well.

Was I really going to do this? Did I belong here, amongst the broken and bruised? My life flashed before my eyes, every moment in tiny bits and pieces.

"Lesbian, that's what you are right?" she taunted wickedly.

I opened my mouth to say no to this question for what seemed like the millionth time, but nothing came out. Instead, I shook my head and fought the tears that desperately wanted to come out. How did I end up here, associated with people like this? I wonder every single day.

"Are you sure about that? I heard you hooked up with Veronica Steiner last night. I bet you reco-"

And with that, I ran. I ran far away. I ran out of the room, down the hallway, and into the bathroom, where I locked myself in a jet black stall, sat on the toilet, and sobbed, letting all of my feelings out.

Wiping mytears away from one of the worst memories of my life, I rolled my heavy, brick like maroon suitcase to the side of the building. I sat on it, placed my scarred arms on my knees, and thought more about the past.

"You're useless, you don't do anything, you're smart, yet you're still a failu-" before she could finish her sentence, I put my hand on her shoulder, attempting her to stop yelling for no apparent reason.

Honestly, I did nothing to deserve this. I just laid in my bed, stared up at the ceiling, and tried to forget about the world around me. How did I end up here? What did I do that was so wrong? I should be the one hurting her.

Suddenly, she pushed my hand to the side violently, and collided her palm with my right cheek. She hit my body over and over again as I tried to stop crying, but I didn't.

"Don't! Put! Your! Hands! On! Me!" she shrieked in my ear.

I attempted to get off of the floor, but accidentally pulled her thin hair in the process. My eyes widened.

"I didn't mean to! I swear!"

She did the same back to me, but with more force. I screamed loudly, more tears cascading down my cheeks. In a blink of an eye, my iPhone, instrument, and glasses were thrown across the room, only to collide with the lavender wall.

Just a couple more days, I told myself.

I rubbed my eyes with the sleeves of my hot pink hoodie, not caring that I could get acne. I was already ugly anyways, a little more ugly wouldn't make a difference. As soon as I calmed myself down and pushed the negative memories all the way to the back of my brain, I stood up, picked my luggage off of the ground and walked to the brick building, slowly but surely.

I pressed a small fire red button on the side, causing a buzz and the door to click. I opened the jet black door like a snail moving from one rock to another and walked inside. Two staircases on the right and left faced me, as well as two hallways, perfect to get lost in were on both sides of my body. The inside of the area looked happier than the outside, but still depressing all the same.

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