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"Slut" muttered Marie as I walked past her on the way to my rehearsals.

I whirl around in anger. "I have done nothing to you Marie! Its not my fault the director stopped sleeping with you." I say earning gasps of shock from the crowd surrounding Marie. "You are a slut. He loved me. He said so many times. He will come back to me after Swan Lake and you will see. I will be getting the lead roles again" she says  looking at me defiantly. I sighed in defeat. Ever since it had been announced that I was lead in Swan Lake, Marie had convinced everyone that I was sleeping with the director and that's the only reason he choose me. The only people on my side were Cameron and Katy. "Don't worry though Penny. I am sure your father can come bail you out" she says leaning in to me and I looked into her eyes; I gasp at what I saw in them. Marie looked mad, and I mean Mad Hatter mad. Her eyes shown with crazed malice and a stumbled back.

At that moment, I feel a hand on my shoulder. Reflexively, I spun around and backhanded the person. It was Cameron. "Oh, no Cameron," I say leaning down next to him. "I am so sorry I had no idea it was you," I say feeling myself blush badly. As I help him up he says, "Hey, no problem I surprised you while you were in a fight with Marie" he shoots her a glare then continues "And I know from experience that Marie is the biggest bitch in the company". Marie looks back and forth between Cameron and I. We had gone out and more than a few dates since our first and I could confidently say we were dating."Oh, I see so you fucked Cameron I don't blame you he really is a beast in the bed" she says a smug look on her face.

"I can't believe you would bring that up, Marie. The only reason we had sex was because you drugged me. All you are is a self-entitled bitch who thinks the word deserves to be handed to you on a silver platter" he says then he turns and walks away. After a few moments of watching Marie stand there absolutely flabbergasted, I follow.

Soooooo........ You and Marie?" I say as we are warming up for rehearsal. He snorts before responding "Trust me she is not my type the only reason. I slept with her is because she drugged me. It wasn't until the next morning that I realized what had happened. I was mortified. She is not the girl I want to be with. I really want her gone. Hopefully, the backlash with her Mom will force her to move" I understood where he was coming from I had read the news lately, Marie's mother was caught drugging a man that she had no idea was the senator. Long story short her Mom was in a shit load of trouble. Like mother like daughter.  I don't get the chance to respond to him because rehearsal starts and it's a known rule don't talk while Miss. Lara is talking.

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