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" Sometimes two people have to fall apart to realize how much they need to fallback together."


I was in cab going to attend the 'emerging companies' party with my office colleagues but my mind was still stuck at my afternoon conversation with Ruhi. We talked about our office life, she told me all about how she got the internship and asked about my life in Mumbai. She mentioned her family a few times but nothing major. She told me how Moulik joined their father's company. I was bit shocked as while we were dating he told me he would never do that. He used to say and I quote 'Over my dead body I would get into my papa's business'. I wanted to ask more about him but refrained myself. I neither wanted to remember how he brutally broke my heart nor wanted to know if he was dating someone. Moreover, Ruhi might tell him that I was asking and .... I don't know what his response will be; but I will not risk to embarrass myself again. 

I took a deep breath and tried to focus on who all to meet. The whole party was planned by the CIIC - Council of Indian and International companies. They provide a platform to meet all the domestic and international companies to know each other and come into partnership or some sort of joint venture or a project. This is all to boost and develop the economy at a higher rate by influencing big companies to invest in medium and small but potential business. I'm attending the party as an employee of my brand and company - Face love where I'm working as a brand manager. We are attending to look for any opportunity we can find to grow our business. 

As I got out of the cab, I paid the driver and pulled my sleeves till my palms to block the cold wind. I had decided to wear a floor length gown with full sleeves in magenta color. I tied my hair in a loose bun and painted my lips fuchsia along with keeping the rest of my make-up neutral. I entered the banquet hall and took a glass of juice in my hand (as I don't drink) from the buffet table and went on to find my colleagues. I found Apurva talking to an old couple, so I joined her. She  smiled at me and introduced to Mr. and Mrs. Singh. Both of them very smart, lovely and funny. They both ran Singhs Pvt. Ltd. a law firm that focuses of company mergers and acquisitions in a partnership. There were just about to tell me about their adventure in New Zealand when someone lightly grabbed me by my waist and whispered 'Hey sexy nerd'. Baffled by the whole improper touching and words, I turned to slap the shit out of that person but was dumbfounded to find Anirudh standing right in front of me, grinning like a kid in ice-cream shop.

I punched him lightly on his shoulder and shook my head at him before giving him a hug.  

"Look at you. You got scared thinking that it must be some psycho, admit it!" He laughed.

"Obviously, you looked like a Cheshire cat impersonating Christian Bale from American Psycho!"

"Oh Netra baby, you flatter me." He put his hands on his heart, pouted like a baby and continued. "I still remember how you had such a big of a crush on Christian Bale. And comparing me to him, whoa!" He winked for the added flirty affect. 

"That was during the days of The dark knight trilogies. Also, I watched his The prestige and Pocahontas at the same time."

"Pocahontas? Which Pocahontas are you talking about? He didn't do any shit movies."

"Umm.. Yeah, he did. He worked as a voice artist in Disney's Pocahontas."

He was about to reply me when a throat cleared behind us. We both turned to find Apurva giving me poker face and gesturing towards Singhs with her not-so-subtle eyebrow moves and head nod at the same time. Whereas Singhs were smiling like they knew the joy of meeting a friend after so long. Since having lunch with Ruhi, I've been so busy of being afraid of meeting Moulik that I completely forgot that other people from my school and colleague might be here too. With my reddened cheeks, I turned to the couple who just witnessed my crush debate. 

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