"Good morning Jeremy." I heard Selena chirp up, I turned to see her holding a sleepy Jade in her arms. "Good morning Selena darling, oh and there is my other favorite grandchild." My dad chuckled taking Jade from Selena. "What would you like for breakfast Sel?" I asked as I looked in the fridge. "Just some toast and avocado please." She said softly, god fuck.

"Dad do you want anything to eat?" I asked as he played with Jade, he shook his head and I made Selena her breakfast.

"Thanks babe." She said as I passed her the plate. "Okay kids let's go." I said grabbing my car keys. They both huffed as I picked up their bags. "Have fun, I love you both!" Selena kissed both of them. "Bye mommy! Bye grandpa!" They said running for the door. "I love you." I kissed Selena before running after the two messers.

"Alright you two, calm down now." I said belting them into their car seats.

Reversing out of the drive, I turned towards the school. "Are you two going to behave today?" I warned as I look in the rearview mirror at both of my kids, laughing at each other. "Yes dad." Jace said, annoyed at me. I rolled my eyes. "Jordyn?" I asked. She was being quiet, too quiet. "Jordyn Bieber answer me." I said again. "Yes Dad!" She yelled with an annoyed face and crossed arms. "Drop the attitude Jordyn."

Pulling into the car park, I unbuckled both of them and walked them into the yard where all the other parents was. "Now you two be good, I'll be here at 3." I kissed both of them before they ran off to meet their friends. I quickly left as my phone started ringing; Scooter.

"Yo what's up?" I asked placing the to my ear as I unlocked the car. "Where are you? I told you not to be late."

"Scooter I have fucking kids to bring to school."

Starting the car engine, I placed him on loud speaker. "Can you come over now?" Doing an eye roll, I nodded forgetting he couldn't see me. "Yeah I already to you that I'll be over." Chuckling, he mumbled a few more words before hanging up. Not wasting anytime, I drove straight to the studio. "There you are. How's the kids?" Scooter said as I entered the studio. I raised an eyebrow, he never asked about the kids. Ever.

"Uh yeah they are fine." I nodded sitting down in the lounge chair. He nodded also walking over to the control pad. "I want you to start making music again. I think it would be good for you, come back like you never left." He shrugged, suggesting. He raised both eyebrows, smirking.

"When do I start?"

"Today, if you want. I've got some people asking if they can collab with you." He held up a little hard drive, waving it a little. "Well, let me listen."

He played some songs for me, a few caught my attention but nothing I liked. "Give give it a try."

Handing me a book full of different songs I rolled my eyes and walked into the mic room and slipping on the headphones. Setting the book down I decided on a song. I gave Scooter the heads up and we agreed on that song.

The song started and I nodded my head to the beat. I started singing my version hitting all the notes.

After the song finished, I looked up to scooter who was giving me a smirk. He opened the door and stared clapping walking over to me, the devious smile in his face. "I knew you still had it in you, I thought you were soon going to go into retirement."

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