Chapter 5

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Yume's POV
A week passed by...SEVENTEEN and I are always together with me at lunch, it is so nice to have them as my friends. However, there are some things that are bothering me. I received hate notes in my locker and on my table but I didn't really looked into it. I mean, it is only the doings of some immature fan girls who are jealous of me. I know I am fabulous bruh!*flips imaginary hair *

It was after school, SEVENTEEN went for their practice while YuNa is attending a club meeting. I wandered along the hallway, and was deep in thought,'Which club should I join? I mean there are so many attractive clubs! Just kill me now already, it is so hard to decide! It's like choosing a bias in your bias group.

I was so deep in thought, thinking about life decisions that I didn't notice a few smirking girls walking towards me and bumped into one of them."Mianhamnida." I muttered and attempted to walk past. I repeat. Attempted. Before I was shoved against one of the lockers harshly. Wait a minute! Don't ever think of me as a weak girl who can't defend herself! I was caught off guard!

"You! Do you not look at where you are going!" The leader shouted at my face, spitting at me. Tck. Girls these days...*smh mentally* " How dare you steal our oppas from us!" She continued, fire burning in her eyes.

"Well, I apologise for bumping into you. But seriously, I never stole your 'oppas' from you!" I said as I raised my hands up and made air quotations."Stop whining about losing your oppas! Get a life girl!" I spat in her face as a pay back and shoved her off me and she fell weakly into her gang.

"Wtf! Get her girls and give her a lesson!" The leader commanded as her minions charged at me. Aish... It is not my fault then if I injure them, I mastered many different martial arts since I learnt them when I was 7. I looked around me and saw a security camera,' Well, it is not me that started the fight then.' I thought and smirked.

??? POV
'What should I do? Should I help her? It isn't fair when there are so many girls against that nerd!'He thought as he hid behind a corner, staring at the heated situation unfolding before him.

Yume's POV
I rolled my sleeves up and stared teasingly at the girls who are hesitating in attacking me, taunting them as I spoke,  " Come at me and get over with it already! I don't have all day's time for stupid things like these, ya know?"

Anger flashed in their eyes and they finally lunged towards me. I grabbed hold of some of them and flaunted my skills on them. Effortlessly, I have them all defeated on the floor, panting for their breathe. "Aish. You guys should know better to fight me. I am not the typical weak nerd in stories that you can easily bully. You girls have better things to do than to bully me. And please take note, Yoon is my surname and I hope it gave you a clue." I spoke as an amusing smile creeped onto my face as I hinted them at the last sentence.' Jjinja.... and they act as if they are real fan girls of SEVENTEEN. They don't even know that I am Yoon JeongHan's , the Cheonsa, yeodongsaeng.

I slid to the ground once the girls were out of view, running off panicking, and heaved a sigh of relief. "Aish! Oppa would surely be angry once he finds out that girls are targeting me! I mean, I know I am gorgeous and all, that they are jealous of me. But I can't help my natural beauty!" I mumbled out loud as I thought I was alone.

"You girl sure are funny!" A chuckle was heard and I turned to see a handsome guy with broad shoulders, smiling down at me. "Here! Use this to wipe your sweat." He smiled, passing me a pink handkerchief as he sat down beside me. I muttered a thanks and wiped my sweat,"Well... I am fabulous after all!" I said, turning towards him, only to see his captivating eyes staring right into mine.'Woah.... Those eyes are beautiful...' I thought as I admired his beautiful eyes." Haha... you... also have a high self esteem like me huh!" He said, breaking me out of my trance. "I will take that as a compliment, and I will return you your handkerchief after I washed it." I said, raising up the pink yet cute handkerchief." You can keep that! I have plenty of these at home." He smiled warmly.

"So what are you doing here alone?" He asked as we walked alongside each other in the hallway." I was just thinking about life decisions, Jin-ssi."Kim SeokJin as he introduced himself, is an interesting guy." And what exactly are those? Also call me Jin!" He stated.

"Ok...Jin... I was thinking about which club to join."I said sadly, as I shrugged. " Ah I see... I was you when I first thought about which club to join." He chuckled, his hearty laugh echoed in the empty hallway."How did you manage to find that one club to join? There's so many to choose from!" I exclaimed.

'She is an interesting girl! I wonder if she will accept me as her friend?' I thought as I glanced at her cute face hidden behind her glasses, as we walked. I was taken aback by her suddenly staring at me, asking me her question.'Omg! Did she caught me staring at her?' I panicked but quickly regained my composure."Would you like to come and join my club?"

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