Chapter 39

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To be honest, last night. I felt betrayed, why? There i was, a girl who doesn't really socialise with people and very very shy. One day, this Stranger walked into my life by visiting my meadow by accident. We forcefully become friends and well, it leads to unexpected friendship

I thought, he was my friends and on some nights, we would do some unforgettable and crazy stuff. Crazy for me atleast

He made me break out of my bubble a little bit and he turn me into kinda like a little rebel

But, that all was a lie. When Thomas and his minions told me that Jason was lying to me all time. I didn't believe him, some part of me said 'Don't believe him'

But, when Jason started to beat me up that little hope inside of me died. I thought he was my friend, i thought he cared for me. He didn't

I sigh as i look at myself in the mirror, my hair is a birds nest, dried tears on my cheeks from crying last night, my eyes are puffy and swollen

Atleast, my bruises are disappearing, looking at stomach, i see the fading blue and purple bruises, my arms and thigh are healing pretty quick, too

Walking over to my bathroom, taking off my pyjamas and hooping in to the shower, turning on my hot water and start scrubbing myself with vanilla bodywash, washing my hair with apple scented shampoo. Turning off the water and stepping out of the shower, wrapping a towel and get out of the bathroom

Walking to my closet, i pick out a white tank top with a light baby blue cardigan and blue denim jean with white converse high-tops

Grabbing my backpack and heading downstairs, i saw my mom frantically rushing around the living room

"Mom, what's wrong?"

"Honey, i'm late for work. You can make yourself some breakfast, i have to go now" She said, walking over to me and give me a kiss on the cheek before grabbing her purse and left the door

I sigh, lazily walking myself to the kitchen, grabbing a bowl and grabbing some lucky charm, walking over to the fridge to grab some milk and pouring it in to my bowl

Eating my cereal, looking left and right. My parents are usually at work all day and can came home early or really late and to be honest, I miss them. They rarely spend time with me and rarely at home, i wish for one day just to spend one full day with my parents. Just the three of us

Sighing, putting my empty bowl of cereal in the sink, grab my backpack and head out the door

Walking down the street, the cold breeze flew by and i shiver at the chilly weather this morning, i love it.

Looking around to see people jogging and walking their dogs, i smile looking at the adorable dogs that is walking along the street

And i'm in front of my school gates and slowy walk into school, heading to my locker. While, getting my books out of my locker, i'm envelope in a hug and i can already tell who it is

"Jordie, what are you doing?" I said, giggling at his behavior

"Don't call me that! And why can't i just hug my best friend?"

"Why can't i call you Jordie? I'm your best friend" I said, pouting at him

"It's a girlie name! And i'm a man!"
He said, puffing his chest out

I chuckle at his childish behavior

And the bell rang telling everyone to go to your class, me and Jordan have the same class, Physics! Yay! Please notice my sarcasm

Walking to class and sitting at our usual sit in the middle row, i put my notebooks down and sit down and looking around to see if the teacher arrived and i saw one very familiar face right infront of me. It's Jason

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