Chapter 30

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Stranger walks up to me and gently stroke my cheek with his thumb

Startled by his sudden action, i move away from him "W-what are y-you doing?"

He moves closer to me and point at my cheek "There's a stain on your cheek"

I move away and rubbed my hand against my cheek trying to get the stain off "Is it gone yet?"

He shook his head "No, there's still some left, let me get it for you"

He moves closer to me and stroke my cheek, i raise my eyebrow at him because he didn't stop stroking my cheek

I move away from him "You're lying, there's no stain on my cheek"

"There is, i just wiped it off"

I fold my arms infront of my chest and raise an eyebrow at him "Stranger"


"Tell me the truth"

"I did tell you the truth"

I move closer to him and a saw there are sweat on his forehead "You're lying"

He shook his head "No, i didn't"

"Yes, you did"

"No, i didn't"

"Yes, you did"

He sigh "Fine, there was no stain on your cheek"

"Then, what is it?"

He mumbled something under his breath that i didn't understand "What?"

"I wanted a reason just to touch you" He said, looking down at the ground

I blush "Oh..."

We both stood there looking at each other in awkward silence

He made up that i have a stain on my cheek just to touch me?

I look down at the ground, embarrassed that he actually said that

Stranger grab my chin gently, mentioning me to look at him

I look at his blue eyes and got lost in his eyes are like the ocean, the perfect shade of blue and once you look into his eyes, you can't help but stare

"Close your eyes, Sweetheart" He whispers

I shook my head

"Do you trust me?" He said

I nod my head at him

"Then close your eyes"

I hesitantly close my eyes, i could feel stranger walking closer and closer to me, i could feel stranger's minty breath on my lips

Is he going to kiss me?!?

I could feel him lean closer and closer to my lips, i start to lean closer to him

Maybe kissing him isn't going to be that bad....

As we both lean closer to each other, as our lips were an inch from each other

My alarm clock went off...

How is there's an alarm clock here?

I woke up and jump out of bed to look at myself in the mirror

My hair looks like a bird nest and i have a little bit of dried drool on the corner of my mouth, i wore a donald duck pyjamas

There's no way i met stranger like this

I can't believe that i have a dream about stranger! And he was about to kiss me in that dream!

I wonder what's it like to kiss him

No! No! Bad imagination!

I slap myself on the forehead and walk to my bed, slam myself against the bed and look over to my bed side table and look at my alarm to see it's '3:10' p.m

I went downstairs to grab me some breakfast or more like lunch, i decided to make a chicken tacos so, i grab some tortillas, chicken, peppers and lettuce

Grabbing the tortillas, i spread some hummus on it and i put some olive oil on the pan and season the chicken with salt and pepper, put it the pan

While, i let the chicken cook, i start to slice the peppers and after 10 minutes the chicken is done

I put the lettuce, peppers and the is the chicken, grabbing an avacado from the fridge and grabbing a bowl, mushing the avocado and putting it on top of the chicken and last sprinkle some cheese, done!

I grab the plate and sat infront of the TV, i flip through the channels to see if there's anything good to watch, i stumbleupon 'beauty and beast' and decided to watch it while i'm enjoying my meal

I finish my meal and put my dirty plate in the sink and i head upstairs to take a shower, grabbing a towel, i walk inside my bathroom, taking all of my clothes off and getting in the shower, i turn on the shower and relax of how the warm water felt on my skin

As much that i would like to stay longer in the shower, i have to meet stranger, turning off the shower and getting out of the shower, i grab the towel and wrap it around my body and walking out off the bathroom, i stood infront of my closet

I'm done drying my body, it's time to pick out an outfit, i grab my black pair of skinny jeans and an off the shoulder white top with some high tops white converse

I look at myself in the mirror, giving myself a thumbs up and went downstairs, head out the door

I walk down the street and took a turn straight in the woods, well i took my time walkinh in the woods because i'm nervous about meeting stranger

Because of that dream i had

I shook my head at the thought and continue walking in the woods, i saw stranger waiting for me at the meadow

"Hey, Sweetheart"

I smile "Hi, Stranger"

"Are you a magician?"

"No, why?"

"Because, abraca-DAYUM!"

I shook my head while giggling at him "What's up with you?"

"Nothing, it's just you look pretty today and i thought that i have a perfect pick line to do so"

He said that i look pretty

"Don't i always look pretty?" I said, raising an eyebrow at him

"That's not what i'm saying, i usually see you hoodies and tees, it's just something diffrent from what you usually wear"

"Wow, you noticed"

And out of know where i sneeze "Achoo!"

"I'd say 'God bless you' but it looks like he already did"

"What's with you and these pick up lines?"

He mumbled something under his breath that i couldn't hear

"What?" I ask him, confused

He mumbled something under his breath

I sigh "Stranger, you have to speak up"

He sigh "Fine, w-would y-ou..."

"Would i what?"

"Would you like to go on a date with me?" He ask, his blue eyes looking straight at me

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