First date? || craig

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I heard tweek i called his name no response i can hear his small twitches inside the stall i knocked.


"dude chill its me.."


"We need to talk but i would like to look at you"

An awkward silence had happen and i can still hear his twitches but he didnt say anything i heard his picking up his things and opening the stall as he did the door flung open and he was looking down i looked at him and noticed the blood on his head and on his right arm.


He didnt bother looking up he kept looking down and walked towards the sink, placing hus items next to him and pulled up one sleeve i couldnt see what was wrong but he washed his arm and grabbed a paper towel and dried his arm i looked back at the stall he was in and noticed a puddle of blood on the ground.

ok so what im getting is that either tweek did something to himself kr that hoping i swear to god that it was already there and that it came from whoever the fuck hurt him.

I looked at tweek he threw the paper away and i walked up to him slowly placing my hand onto his shoulder he jumped up a little and began to which twitch up more and he still didnt bother looking up at me.

"Tweek? Can you do me a favor and look up at me?"

I heard him sniffle i placed my hand under his chin lifting his head up looking he was crying... and i looked at him from head to toe but what caught my eye was that he was holding onto his right arm but getting a good grip on it i was confused why is he holding into that arm did the person hurt him there more or something.

"C...craig why are you bere you should be in class"

"Not until you tell me what happened to you"

He stayed quiet nothing but silence but so his twitches i grabbed his left arm slowly trying to remove it from his right one to see what was up but he awake and took his arm and backed up.

"I was jumped this morning and my way to class"

My eyes widen why would someone hurt tweek...MINE tweek noone has the right to hurt my tweek.



"I have a reason to beat the shit out him and possibly kill him"


"What he deserved it like legit deserves it he may come to school with a broken leg along with bruises"

"Wh...why tho...why r u protecting me?"

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