|The Vampire Diaries- Elena Gilbert|

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Best Known By: Bella
Birth Name: Isabella Violet Gilbert
Born: June 22, 1992
Species: Human/Dopplegänger
Height: 5ft 6in
Character Portray: Nina Dobrev

Best Known By: Bella Birth Name: Isabella Violet Gilbert Born: June 22, 1992 Species: Human/Dopplegänger Height: 5ft 6in Character Portray: Nina Dobrev

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I was preparing myself for what I'm about to do. I'm going to take Elena's place in the sacrifice. I'm also going to make sure that she's safe and away from Mystic Falls.

I was in the exact same outfit as Elena and I make my way to her room. She sees me and I tear up. I'm gonna miss her. She sighs and comes up to me.

"Hey... you're gonna be okay. You'll be perfectly fine without me. Maybe you can finally be with Damon." She says.

God it hurts not telling her that I've actually been secretly seeing someone else. Someone Damon and Stefan don't trust.

"You're my twin, Elena, the only reason he'd go for me is because I'm a spitting image of you. Only difference is I'm the polar opposite of you. I'm more Katherine but not in a malicious way and I'm not a monster. I'm just a bitch when I need to be and I'm very protective." I say.

We hug.

"I'm gonna miss you so much." She says.

"I will too... just do me one favor?" I ask.

"What is it?" She says.

I slide a paper into her jacket pocket then get the syringe out. I sniffle and get it in position.

"Give this to Elijah... and tell him that I love him." I say.

Before she could say anything, I inject her with a sedative I stole from the hospital. It'll be enough to keep her knocked out until after the sacrifice.

I gently lay her down and then run to Alaric's apartment. I knock and Klaus opens the door.

"I'll do the sacrifice... just do it before Stefan or Damon or anybody try to interfere. No more loopholes, no more stalling. Just get it over with." I say.

He smirks then takes me away. I got a glimpse of Katherine and her eyes went wide. She knows the difference between me and Elena. 1, she just does. 2, I'm not wearing Elena's necklace.

We were now at the sacrifice and I saw aunt Jenna was there and a wolf girl. I tune everything out until I see Klaus rip the wolf girls heart out. Then he killed aunt Jenna.

I was crying. I was next and there was nothing anyone could do about it. It was happening faster than anyone had planned.

"Thank you, Elena." Klaus says to me as he grips me close to him.

"Burn in hell, Klaus." I say.

He smirks then bites into my neck. I feel myself fading. My life flashing before my eyes. My parents... Jenna... Elena... Jeremy... Bonnie... Stefan... Damon... Katherine... Elijah. Moments with Elijah were the last ones I saw.

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