{~ Chapter Fourteen ~}

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.:: Chapter Fourteen ~Equanimity ::.

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"Ry.." Spencer whispered into Ryan's ear, he was trying to wake the older guy up, he had fallen asleep in the lunch room and Spencer had no idea about how long he had been here, Spencer only arrived five minutes ago, he went to put his lunch in the fridge, but found the sleeping boy instead.

Ryan raised his head, he looked like shit, his eyes were puffy, his hair was greasy, and his clothes were wrinkled.

Ryan didn't say anything, he just reached into his pocket and pulled out a folded piece of paper, handing it to the blue eyed boy, Spencer furrowed his eyebrows and unfolded the note, skimming it over and over again, he was about to ask what happened to the garden but Sarah came bursting in with tears evident on her face.

"Ryan! The garden!" Sarah sobbed.

Ryan only nodded.

"What? What happened?" Spencer asked now panicked.

"It's gone, Spence, it's all gone, burned, all of it." Sarah whispered, another tear streaming down her cheek.

"Those damn bastards!" Spencer yelled, he was so angry and he hated that they even trusted that Urie guy, it was their last goddamn week, and Urie ruined it.

Jon, Sayora, Mia, and Frank rushed in at the loud yell that erupted from Spencer, Spencer was never one to yell or even get angry, so when he did, it was usually for a really good reason.

"Have you guys seen the garden?" Sarah asked quietly.

"No." They all responded in unison.

"Well, it's burned." Sarah replied, still unbelievably quiet.

"Yeah, and this is the note we got." Spencer said bitterly, shoving the note towards the others.

They all read it, mouths agape and eyes wide.

"I'm gonna hurt him! He doesn't fucking deserve what we gave him! This is complete- " Frank started to yell, but Ryan interrupted, he stood up and sighed.

"No, it's fine. Listen guys, let's just calm down and talk about it, I have a headache." Ryan said nonchalantly.

"Okay, let's start with, why did Urie do This? And are you dating Pete?" Spencer asked, he was calm as he could get, which wasn't really calm to be completely honest.

"I don't know to the first question, and I'm not." Ryan replied, rubbing his eyes.

"This doesn't make sense, something doesn't add up." Sayora said, ready to open her mouth once more but Pete slipped inside the lunch room, happy as ever.

"Hey guys-" Pete started but was interuppted by Jon.

"I know exactly how this all went down." He paused, everyone's eyes on him, he made strong eye contact with Pete, "It was Wednesday night, Pete offered to buy us property for the new flower shop, Ryan was overjoyed and opened a bottle of champagne, Ryan got way too drunk, and kissed Pete, then Pete decided to go tell Brendon to back off his so called 'boyfriend'." Jon paused once again, now making eye contact with Ryan, "Pete and Brendon had been having secret rivalry, they both wanted you, Ryan. They only had one encounter but it was a pretty nasty one, I mean the encounter other then when Pete told Brendon the lie, hence Brendon was hurt, so he got revenge on Ryan, because he believed Pete." Jon finished with a sigh.

"How the fuck did you know that?" Pete asked anger building up, fist balled.

"I think everyone that works in this beautiful shop, forgot that we have cameras and voice recorders everywhere, they we're installed after Oliver's and Ryan's break up. It's quite entertaining actually. " Jon said shrugging and staring blankly at Ryan.

Ryan's jaw dropped, but he quickly closed it and began to speak, "Pete, I'm firing you as my lawyer and you can no longer consider me as your best friend, nor your friend at that."

Pete barely nodded, and rushed out of the lunch room, faster then ever.

"I'm so so sorry, Ryan." Mia said softly.

At first it was unexpected, Ryan had been so calm that they thought he just didn't care, but Ryan bursted into tears.

Spencer rubbed Ryan's back supportively.

"It's so dumb," Ryan paused, rubbing his eyes, "I'm not even crying because of the garden."

"We know, and it's okay, no matter what, we still love you Ryan." Sayora said licking her lips and fanning herself, the store was hot, considering it was a very sunny day.

"I'm so sorry guys, all of this has gone so terribly wrong, first we are in debt, then we are losing the store, and then we lose the garden." Ryan sobbed into his hands.

"It's okay, Ry. None of it is your fault okay?" Frank reassured.

"But It is! It's my fault that I dated Oliver! It's my fault we gave our money to the poor! It's my fault that we hired Pete! It's my fault I got drunk! It's my fault that I kissed Pete! It's my fault I fucked Brendon! It's my fault that I fell for Brendon!" Ryan finished his loud cry filled rant, the room fell silent, no one knew what to say, considering it was the first time Ryan had admitted to being in love with Brendon, even after Brendon's actions, he still cared and loved him, and it was devastating for his friends to watch him become so sad just because of the self centered douchbag.

Ryan cleared the tears off his face and got up, walking to the back, where the garden used to lay, he sat down staring upon the crusty black shit just laying there.

He sighed, wiping his nose, right now, in this moment, he didn't really care, he had nothing, and he really wanted something to hang onto, have something to love, Brendon not only left him, he also took his only other thing he loved, and it was starting to make Ryan really mad that Ryan wanted Brendon back more then the stupid garden that started this whole mess.

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