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it was summer break - which meant cool parties, road trips, part time work but for seulgi, it meant winning over irene's heart. even though she doesn't believe in love, seulgi wanted irene to believe that maybe love exists at places you least expect - and by this she means seulgi herself. 

aww you wanna go out on a date? sure! i would love to go on a date with my favorite classmate! just drop a time and a place c: 

"did she just classmate-zoned you?" said wendy as she sat on the sofa with a bowl of cheerios in her hands. seulgi have been telling wendy everything about irene ever since the bar incident. wendy couldn't be bothered to care but now all she wants is for them to get together so that seulgi would shut up about it. 

"i'm telling you, she's dropping hints! she obviously think of me more than a friend but she doesn't want it to make it obvious so she calls me something less significant, you know?" said seulgi, convincing herself.

wendy grinned with a mouthful of cereal, "ya right, miss seulgi. let's see if you can kiss her at the end of this so called classmate-date."

okay cool :) tonight at IKEA? i'll pick you up.

great! see u pretty x

wendy laughed looking at the text messages seulgi have been showing her, "okay.. i can't believe you asked her on a date to IKEA, and you know where she lives? and she calls you pretty?" wendy blanked out for a moment before standing up, "i'm going to sleep. call me if she bails on you."

seulgi smiled, she didn't care what her housemate think. seulgi just can't stop thinking about how irene, the girl of her dreams will finally soon be hers. and that's a lot to hope for someone who doesn't believe in love.


"oh honey! do you want some pancakes to go with that sweet maple syrup?" said seulgi, laughing hysterically at their roleplay around IKEA's gallery. irene was seen acting like an office husband who is eating his breakfast.

"yes of course, darling! may i have some of those sausages as well?" irene shouted with exaggeration. 

"oh no! our sausages are gone! matter in fact all of our food in the fridge are gone!" said seulgi, while opening and closing every compartment of the IKEA's fridge.

irene laughed and grabbed seulgi's hands, running to the bedroom gallery just a few steps away as she lands on the single bed. they fit themselves on the small mattress, laying sideways, forcing them to face each other.

"hey seulgi."

"hey irene."

"i've been thinking about what you said last week. and you know.. i think i've seen it. i'm seeing it right now."

"see what?"

"love." said irene, as she tilted her head close to seulgi's, kissing her lips with tenderness. oh, it was a wonderful kiss. when seulgi kissed her back, her world fell away. it was slow and soft, comforting in ways that words could never be, irene's hand was rested below seulgi's ear, her thumb caressing seulgi's cheek as their breaths mingle. and god, to seulgi - it lasted almost for a decade.

seulgi slowly pulled away and smiled, "so the kiss you gave me at the bar, it meant something?" 

"i kissed you because my heart told me too. and you know, that night i've  just been thinking about what you said. that you know when your heart tells you, when you feel it. love, it's not santa claus."

seulgi was speechless. she didn't think it would be this easy. all this time, she was just staring at irene's face, and it was a painting never existed in any art exhibitions, but only in seulgi's eyes - she never wanted to look away. 

irene spoke again, "but hey. i want you to know that i'm not looking for anything... um.. serious. is that okay?"

"yeah - like casual? take things slow?"

"uhuh. no pressure. because some people freak out when i say that."

"no- no. not me. i'm fine with that." seulgi smiled for reassurance, telling irene that everything is okay. 

"but darling... i don't know how to tell you, but... there's a chinese family in our bathroom." irene looked up and saw a group of family staring at them. 

they both burst out laughing. "hey. this is fun. you're fun." said irene.



one minute they're in an IKEA's bedroom gallery, and another minute, they're in irene's apartment - a real bedroom.

they were on the bed, this time, a queen sized bed and as irene gently leaned in and kissed seulgi's warm lips, they pull apart and take shaky, shallow breaths. unable to contain themselves anymore, seulgi held irene's head in her hands and pull her into a fiery and passionate kiss. 

seulgi's hands work their way around irene's body, feeling each crevasse, each line along her perfect physique. irene slowly lied on her back, as seulgi softly kissed irene's neck - irene let out little whimpers of anticipation as seulgi worked her way back to her tender, smooth lips. 

and last time seulgi checked, this wasn't a dream.


[A/N saucy smoochy] 

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