The girl looked to Lin.  "Does he mean Leslie?"

"Ahhhh, no.  Here, we are right by the theater, if you'd like, come with us and we'll show you."   Theo was hesitant, but nodded after putting her phone in her hand, just in case.  She trusted Lin, even though she never met him, but the other four worried the young girl.

Lin and Theo walked side by side, trailed by the other four.  They entered the theater, and headed to the stage, where many people were sitting, including Aaron and his girlfriend, who was standing towards the middle front of the stage.

"Burr!" Alex shouted once they entered the seating area, catching Burr's attention.

"What do you need Hamilton?" Burr sighed, rubbing his temples.  "And please, while you're at it, shut up."

"NEVER!" Alexander shouted, making Burr groan again.

"But I do have a surprise for you Mr. Wait For It."

"Okay, Mr. I Never Shut Up, what is it." Aaron shot back.

"I found someone," Alex pointed to Theo who was now beside him, staring wide eyes, tears starting to form in her eyes. 

"Who's this?" Burr questioned.  Alex shot a glance back at the girl, her face confirming everything.

"This is Miss Theodosia Burr Jr!" Alex announced, making everyone on stage freeze, looking at the girl, along with a couple of people just off stage run on and look at the girl and Alexander.

"T-T-Theo!?" Burr and Theo screamed, jumping off of the stage and crashing into the poor girl, forming a group hug.

They hugged for a few minutes before finally breaking away, them all crying.

"Ahhh, Burr, you're crying." Alex mocked.

"Ahh, shut it, Hamilton, you cried when you found Phillip."

"He's 2, it's different."

"Not really." Aaron scuffed, still holding his daughter in his arms.

"Yes, it is! He is tiny and couldn't even talk.  Phillip's name wasn't even the same, it was Benjamin, he couldn't even talk HE WAS- hmmph!" Alex's words became muffled as John wrapped an arm around his head, covering his mouth securely. 

"It-it's nice to see you, Mr. Hamilton." Theo greeted, having met the man in the past.

"Just call me Alex or Alexander.  Oh, and just so you know, you'll be Theo, your mother will be Theodosia, to keep from the confusion." The two women in question nodded.

2 PM

Theo gave her ticket to a lucky woman on the street, since she herself would be backstage and on stage. 

The family had talked for a while, as well as explain to Theo what was going on and such, while Theo explained why she was fangirling to Lin.  She loved the idea of this man creating something about her father, even though it's mainly Hamilton, she counts it.  Theo's birth parents in this era don't even know that she is a reincarnate. 

Everyone was starting to get into 'the zone'.  The show started at 7, and everyone was about ready.  Theo, Theodosia, and Phillip were all worked in, even if it wasn't much.  It was all of the point of sending a message.  Alex was still in his onesie as Groff brushed out his hair, pulling it back in a nice ponytail, unlike how it is any other time. 

Laf was fussing over their and their brother's hair, as Herc just threw on the beanie he would wear on stage, also so Laf didn't even think about going there, since he had like, no hair.

The Theodosias were laid out timely dresses, and so was Phillip, who was being extremely calm, currently sitting on Mariana's lap.

"Hey, Lin," Alex spoke up suddenly.  Lin looked towards the smaller who was now standing right behind him.  Alex tackled Lin into a hug.

"Thanks." Alexander softly spoke into Lin's shoulder.  Miranda hugged back.

"For what?"

"For doing this and allowing us to join, you're a great friend."

"You too Alexander."

6:30 PM

Everyone was dressed and ready.  The chairs were filled with chattering people, the cameramen were all set up and the stage was set.  The orchestra was set up in the pit, and the people that were controlling the lights and floor were all in place.  Everyone in the pit was told about the extra anecdotes, but they didn't know why, but they did know that Lin was not performing and that they'd be told the reason later.

The rest of the actors and actresses were going to be hidden backstage, cheering them on as they watched the performance from multiple TVs since not everyone could fit in one of those cramped rooms. 

The reincarnates were all standing together, along with the extras and the few actors who were playing people who were not, or unknown, to be reincarnated.

6:59 PM

The lights dimmed as Aaron Burr made his way onto center stage, taking a deep breath.  The microphone was switched on and the lights were turned on high.

7:00 PM

"How does a........"

Author's Note:

HAHA! Cliffhanger.  You must wait!

I hope you all love it so far.  

Keep on reading, I love you all!!!


Next Chapter: ACT 1! Not all of the songs will be written out, just parts were those 'anecdotes' will be!

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