Chapter Two

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 "You make my balls s-s- I CAN'T DO THIS!" Chloe flopped down dramatically on the floor, her chest rising and falling quickly as she laughed. Brooke leaned against the prop car, face red from containing her laughter. She slid down the car door, butt slamming against the hardwood floor and her head hurt from laughing so hard. From inside the car, Michael watched the scene go down, smiling as Brooke hunched over, holding her sides.

"THIS DOESN'T EVEN MAKE SENSE!" Chloe's words were muffled as her cheek was pressed into the floor, her hair sprawled out around her. Rich's head banged on the front of the fake jeep, his laugh even louder than Brooke's. Everyone offstage was laughing as well, Jenna held her phone, recording the whole thing for her instagram followers.

"Y-you h-h-hurt them b-badly..." Brooke's hushed voice was soft and quiet, but just loud enough for everyone onstage to hear. Rich banged his head against the makeshift dashboard a few more times, his laughter becoming louder. Chloe curled up in a ball on the floor, practically wheezing as she tried to push more air into her lungs. She was doing a better job than Rich, at least.

Brooke gripped her sides tighter, her face flushed as tears brimmed her eyes. Michael threw his head back, covering his mouth with his arm to muffle his laugh. He'd always been very self-conscious about his laugh, but he had never let it get to him until he became friends with the "squip squad". Don't get him wrong, he loved them all and trusted them deeply, but something about them made him become more self-conscious.

Jake watched his boyfriend slam his head into the dashboard, causing him to stare at them with curiosity, wondering what Brooke had said, but nonetheless still doubled over with laughter. Christine wiped the tears from her eyes, her bubbly laugh consuming her whole body causing her to shake. Jenna tried not to laugh, as she wanted to steady her camera so it wouldn't go out of focus, but no matter how hard she tried, she still couldn't contain her giggling. Jeremy watched the four of them onstage, but his eyes kept going back to Michael. The way he tilted his head back and tried to muffle his laugh made him smile through his fits of giggles and- STOP JEREMY YOU'RE BEING GAY!

Mr. Reyes came in, his eyes widening at the sight he was met with. Eight teenagers, doubled over in laughter with tears in their eyes, all in hysterics. He watched as the kids in the audience leaned on each other with exhaustion and the kids onstage try to regulate their breathing. Even he himself let out a chuckle as he watched Chloe roll around on the floor, desperately trying to regain her breath.

Christine stood up cautiously, almost falling over due to the fact that she was still laughing. Standing up on her seat not-so-gracefully, she cupped her hands around her mouth. "Alright! We'll visit this number at a different time! We need to practice Kindergarten Boyfriend! Jenna, get up there!" Hopping off her chair, Christine wiped the dirt off the seat before sitting back down next to Jeremy. Rich and Michael pushed the car backstage, bringing out the bench Jenna needs to stand on for her song.

Brooke finally stands back up, walking over to Chloe and offering her a hand to help her up. Chloe, blushing, took up the offer, grasping her hand in Brooke's, pulling herself up. The two girls (still holding hands) made their way off the stage, taking their seats next to Jake.

Jenna ends the recording, sighing as she pockets her phone and runs up the stage stairs, script in hand.

Mr. Reyes exits, smiling fondly at Christine's leadership. He'd never admit it, but these kids have started to grow on him. Grabbing his fresh Hot Pocket, he stands outside the closed doors, content with his work.

It's Heathers, but Genderbent?- Be More ChillDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora