“I also want ya’ll to stop doing the working and just get where the rest of them bitches at in the red room. If ya’ll want to act like them we gone treat ya’ll like them. So from now on ya’ll work in the red room and ya’ll also will be getting checked every time ya’ll get ready to leave here.” Mell told them. “Big E I want you to let everybody know that they are no longer allowed to work in the front. Also tell Shorty and Money that they have to guard these two until the end of the week. If they try and slip away do whatever you have to do to bring them back to us.”

“Okay.” They left out the room.

“I should’ve went ahead and killed the bitch.” I told Mell.

“At first I thought you was going to.” Big E came back in the room.

“They said okay just let them finish with the rest of their work and they on it.” Big E told us.

“That’s fine by us.” I told him

“What you been up to Big E?” Mell asked him. See even though he worked for us we still treated him like he family because he was always down for us.

“Nothing but working and dealing with my loud ass baby momma.”

“She still bothering you?” I asked him.

“Man, yea talking about I ain’t there for my son. Now we all know that’s a lie, she just saying that shit to get some money out of me.”

“Do you need any money?” Mell asked.

“Nah, I’m straight, but how yo sister doing?” Wait what the fuck.

“She doing good. She actually asked about you the other day. You need to bring yo ass over there and see her. She been getting on my damn nerves.”

“Boy you better leave my damn baby alone.”

“Wait hold the hell up. You mean to tell me you knew he had a sister?”

“Yea, I meet her when she was 14.”

“But I’m just now finding out that he have a sister.”

“I thought yo ass already knew.”

“Hell nah, we meet like a month ago. That’s fucked up Mell, he get to know that you got a sister but I don’t.”

“Boy shut the hell up. If yo ass came to my house more often you would’ve meet her crazy ass.” Mell told me.

“Da’Mell quit calling my baby crazy before I smack yo ass.”

“Yea I wouldn’t if I was you. She gone kick yo ass like she did Trell when he hit him.” I told him.

“Hell nah, she beat Trell ass foreal?”

“Yeah the shit was funny. And no this clown gets to hit me all he want and she won’t do shit, but sit there and laugh. I’m like that shit ain’t funny.” Mell said.

“That’s my baby, she already know what’s up. I’m going to go over your house today to see her.”

“Okay cool.”

“Well I’m about to get back to work so talk to ya’ll later.”

“Aite.” I told him. “So why do he keep calling her his baby?” I asked Mell.

“It ain’t nothing like that it’s just that it’s his baby. He sometimes helped me raise her when he wasn’t busy. He taught her how to fight and be handy with a gun. That girl knows how to do more shit then some of these niggas up here.”

“Oh okay, and imma take yo sister out on a date tonight.”

“That’s cool, but you might want to talk to Big E.”


“Cuz like I said it’s his baby and he wants to meet every guy that takes her out.”


“But word of advice if you break her heart you won’t only have to deal with me, but also Big E. No matter how loyal he is, it all goes out the window when it comes to that girl right there. In his mind he got two kids; his son and Yanna. That girl got his heart no matter what and it been that way since she was 14. He would literally kill someone over her. So if you break her heart you got an ass beating coming from me and I don’t even wanna know what Big E going to do to you.” Mell got up and left. I called Yanna to see how her and Jo-Jo doing.



“What’s up?”

“Where ya’ll at?”

“We at the house chilling watching Spongebob, why?”

“Nothing I was just wondering if you would go out with me?”

“Sure, what time?”

“Well we coming back to yo house anyway so we can leave at 8.”

“That’s cool, I’ll get my brother to watch Jo-Jo.”

“Or you can get Tasha to do it, like she is the babysitter.”

“So, I don’t like that bitch. Trying to act like my baby hers, I pull that bitch weave out.” I laughed at her statement because I knew she would actually do it.

“Okay, well look I got to go I’ll see you tonight.”

“Aite, bye”

“Bye” I hunged up the phone and went to the front room. I stayed there a little more until I had to go home and get some clothes. I picked out a red Ralph Lauren button up shirt with some khaki pants, and my Gucci red bottom shoes. I matched that with my gold Rolex and a diamond stud. I put the clothes in the bag and started to drive back towards Mell house. We pulled up at the same time.

(Cantrell in link)

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