Part 1

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Today was the lastday of School I am living with my Sisters and there husbands. I have two Sisters Val and Michelle they are married to M. Shadows and Synyster Gates, Running down the stairs grabing some toast and OJ seeing Zacky stumble into the kitchen he looked like he cought the flu. putting my Messanger bag down walking over helping Zacky to the back room watching him throwing his guts up, Rubbing his back reaching over grabbing a rag putting cold water on it laying it on the back of his neck. Felling him cuddling into me he was warm like he has a fever, I kissed his head running my fingers though his hair I was closer with Zacky than any of the other Except I was close with Jimmy when he was alive. I looked down at Zacky who was asleep cuddled into my chest seeing Val and Matt smiling at me,

"You're going to be late for school" Val smiled

"I know I just don't want to move him he looks so comfy" I said

"I will get him into bed and you get on to school" Matt smiled

I kissed Zacky on the head before letting Matt help him up taking him to his room. I walked over getting my bag and one of Zacky Hoddies before grabbing my skate board.

"Hey Britt I want to talk to you when you get back" Val smiled

"Can we talk after I check on Zacky?" I asked

"Sure oh and what would you like for Dinner?" Brian asked walking in

"Dosnt matter" I smiled walking out the door

Making it to school today was my day to help the other teachers. I put my phone on Mute so it wouldnt bother anyone it only buzzed when I got a call or text, I put my skate board in my locker grabbing a few books before walking to the first class I was worried about Zacky and how sick he is. I felt someone throw something at me before laughing and calling me names I knew who the girls where, walking into the class putting my books down seeing the principle smile at me.

"Mr. Sanchez what is going on? Where is the teacher?" I asked

"Miss.DiBenedetto Mrs. Freeman called in sick" Mr. Sanchez said

"I hope shes ok cause it looks like the flu is going around" I said

"She will be fine Miss. DIBenedetto... Can i talk to you out in the hall for a moment?" Mr. Sanchez asked

"Sure" I said

Following Mr. Sanchez out onto the hall closing the door to class room before leaning on the wall.

"Is there anyway you can take over the class till we can get a sub?" Mr. Sanchez asked

"I can but what about you getting in trouble for letting a student take the class over?" I asked

"Let me worry about that you just go in there and teach" Mr. Sanchez smiled

Walking back into the class seeing Lexi, Taylor and Sage all whispering about something. I drug my nails across the board causing a annoying sound that made every one cover there ears.

"Listen up Class Mrs. Freeman is out with the flu and I have been asked to take this class over" I said

"But you're just a student you're self" Deacon said

"I know I am Deacon but Mr. Sanchez asked me since there is no sub right now" I said

-Skip to the end of school-

I smiled cause I ended up teaching the whole class all day and it is nearing 7 at night. I walked up the drive opening the door to the house seeing Val with a worried look. I put my Skate Board down running to Zacky room not seeing him there that made me more worried, I ran over to Val to see if she knew where Zacky was.

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