Chapter 6 -the bigger me

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Lix's  POV
   After leaving the gym, I just came home, took a cold shower and hit my comfy bed. I can't believe I was able to sleep for three hours straight. Well, that is a relief. After all, when I'm asleep, I don't think about a certain spitfire (referring to Emily). It is only a matter of time before she invades my only hideout too. Come to think of it though, is Cole still not back from school? It is so unlike him to be home and let me sleep so peacefully. "Cole!", I call out to him but get no response. You know what? I'm famished. Let me just go downstairs and find something to eat. On my way downstairs, I'm hit by this overpowering aroma that could only be from my mum's cooking. The only way to find out is go downstairs.
      "Hello mum, when did you get here? And why is it that you came home alone since I can't see your husband around? " I asked at the sight of my mum. My mum just gave me a look. The one full of amusement. "Hello to you too baby.And is that how you welcome your mum who has been away for a week? Anyways, I came  home with your father my husband about two hours ago. You can't see him because he has gone grocery shopping with your brother." I nodded my head in understanding as I walk towards the fridge to grab a bottle of water until I heard the voice of my mum which made me stop in my tracks.."Now, if my son would care to enlighten me, how come you're sleeping at this time of the day?(Because he seldom takes naps in the afternoon). It is a very rare sight if you ask me. " God!! For someone who is barely at home, she is very observant and thoughtful for her own good. I guess that's(observing and thoughtfullness) a prerequisite for her occupation as a doctor. Grabbing my water and taking a long sip, I turned around to face her before telling her to drop the topic. "No son, if something is making my own son to sleep in the afternoons, I should know because the few times you've done that is only because you were troubled.Now,.tell me before I find out on my own. I'm sure your brother would be so willing to help."she said in return. Seeing that she is not going to give up until I open up about my troubles with a certain she, I decide to come clean with her. Taking a seat on the island, I tell her everything. Mum just gave me a very big warm hug before bursting into laughter. What is wrong with everybody laughing at my expense? First it was Cole. Now mum .. Some family I have.Ha. Just as I was about to turn around and leave, I heard her ask "since when did my son start wanting to make things right in order to be the bigger person? ".. I just shrugged and told her it's because I'm growing. As if a toddler would even buy that.
         I go into the living room and put on the television. I start scrolling through the channels until I came across one that I liked. They were showing one of these documentaries. After a couple of minutes, I hear a car pull into our driveway. I suspected it was dad and Cole so I went outside to help them with the stuff they brought back. My dad sees me and open his arms for one of these man hugs. I smile and embrace him hard. It's been just a week but I miss this man real bad. He is like my very own role model. Right from how he manages his family down to how he works.
"Hey dad. It's been a while. No calls or texts. So not you" I say as I  make my way towards the trunk of the car. I meet Cole who gives me a back slap in a form if greeting. I do same and together, we get the stuff out of the car and into the house. Kitchen to be precise. After we are done, Cole and I settle in the living room as we wait for dinner to be ready. I'm sure dad and mum don't need our company anyways. From the way they were staring at each other and trying to hold in their excitement, we could just tell.In the living room, Cole and I get talking instead of watching the tv. I was smart enough to divert our topics from her. I'm sure I would just him my head on something if Cole should start talking about her. A guy can take justthis much.
        In less than forty-five minutes, dad calls out to us saying dinner is ready. I'm really wondering why he would be the one calling us when he's not the one who cooked. Well, none of my business. As hungry as I am right now, I would eat anything made by anyone (referring to his dad since he can't cook). Afterall, a hungry man is an angry man and trust me, I don't like being angry. I pull out a seat for Cole and pull out one for myself  as we got into the dinning room. Just as mum set the food infront of us, I dive in before the grace was said. Shoot me. Is it my fault I'm hungry since I haven't eaten since morning. As I was about to swallow the food, I felt a sharp pain only to realize I've been knocked on the head by dad. Well, that serves me right. Aside that, dinner was a happy affair. After eating, Cole and I clear the table and get the dishes done before retiring to our rooms. I hear dad and mum bid us a good night as we head out to our rooms.
     Inside my room, I change into a pair of loose cotton boxers and get into bed. After covering myself, I see a notification on my phone showing an incoming message from Cole.
   From Cole:
I must say you did a good job at  avoiding Emily as a topic of discussion. Well, do well to talk to her tomorrow and have a goodnight. I hope  you dream about her though😊😂😂.
Well, there goes nothing. I'll make sure Cole pays for this. A very fine way to end my day I must say (note the sarcasm). Cole is really going to end up as a thorn in my flesh whenever it comes to Emily trust me....With that, I give way to sleep just when my head hits the pillow.

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