"That's not funny!" I said, kicking at his leg.

He stopped laughing. "Watch it. You're going to tip us over!"

"Stop being a jerk then." I rubbed my belly gently. "Don't you know you should never make fun of a girl's weight?"

"Christ, it was just a joke. For the record, I don't think you're fat," he said.

"Thanks. Now that I know, I'll sleep more easily tonight."

"Woman, what do you want from me?" He sighed. "Hold on tightly. I don't want you falling off and cracking your skull open."

"I'll try not to." I hesitantly secured my arms around his waist. "Where are we going now?"

"I'm taking you home."

We zipped out of the parking lot. Luckily, the roads were relatively clear so we were able to get away quickly.

"I live two blocks from the Costco on Sunrise. Do you know where that is?" I yelled loudly to be heard over the motor and through the helmet. He nodded, so then I said, "Once we get there, we can call the police."

"No," Seth said instantly. He shook his head adamantly. "No police."

"Why not?"

"I have a record," he explained. The wind was whipping his hair in every direction. "I can't get into any more trouble. My parents are gonna send me to military school if I get involved with the cops again."

"Why are you always getting in trouble with the cops?"

"I get mixed up with some bad people sometimes."

"Like those men from earlier? Oh my God, were they looking for you today? I've never gotten in any trouble in my life. They must've been after you!"

"Yes," he said sarcastically. "Luckily for me, we look so identical, they easily mistook you for me, even in broad daylight. Now that you mention it, it could be because I was wearing the same shirt you have on the last time I ran into them."

"Shut up. You're not funny."

"I'm hysterical. You just have no sense of humor," he refuted. "Just promise me that you won't bring this up with anyone until we figure out what's going on."

"Wait, are you serious? Two men tried to kill you today, and you don't want to tell the cops? What is wrong with you?" I asked incredulously.

"Sometimes things happen that cops just won't understand."

"I think police understand kidnapping and attempted murder just fine. How am I going to get protection without calling the police? What if those guy come after me tomorrow? Or the day after? Well, I guess Luke will be there tomorrow and he won't let anything happen to me," I said, rambling on. "But what if he gets put in detention again? I need to call the police."

"Please, can you just chill out? Jesus Christ. When we get to your house, I'll stay for a while to make sure it's safe. And I'll be at school with you," Seth reassured. "I'm sure I can handle those guys better than your boyfriend can."

"Not my boyfriend!"

"Just promise me that you'll let me try to figure it out first," he said. "And I promise that nothing will happen to you."

I bit my lip.

It would be stupid not to call the police. That's what normal people do when they're in trouble. Dial 9-1-1. It's been ingrained in me since I learned what a phone was. But I also had no doubt that Seth would be able to keep his word. Even though he was just armed with a baton, he easily took down two men with guns who were double his size.

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